My First Games

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I didn't get much sleep last night. I'm not sure anyone ever does when you might be going into your possible death. Sitting up in the bed my hair is a knotted mess as I bury face in my knees. I can see why Prim got nightmares about her name getting picked. But the scary part is I'm about to know the paironia my father suffers through. Three knocks on the door breaks me from my trance seeing my father come in wearing a grey long sleeve shirt and some black pants. His short hair is a shaggy mess with terror written in his eyes as he stares directly at me. We share the same expression on our faces. He plopped down on the bed pulling me into his chest, hugging onto me for dear life. Throwing my arms around his neck I let myself cry into his shoulder, clutching the fabric of his shirt.

"I don't - I don't wanna go!" I mumbled into his tear stained shirt smelling alcohol in his breath. He most likely got so drunk that he passed out last night. "I know baby girl. If I could keep you here I would." He runs his freehand through my hair, pulling away and wiping my tears with his sleeve. He reaches into his pocket unfolding a piece of paper, his voice cracking aa he spoke. "This is - uh from your mother. She left us each a letter- in case she..." I rest my head on his shoulder not needing to hear more of an explanation so he just started reading it aloud for me. "Dear my beautiful son or daughter, if you're reading this then it means I am not with you. I may have not got to watch you grow up but I had high hopes that you would be as strong as your father. I instructed him to watch over you and give the love of two parents instead of just one. This world we live in is dangerous and scary. But I believe you will be tougher than everyone else thinks you shall be. I love you, your mother Maya."

It warmed my heart to know that she thought I was going to be brave even though she didn't know me. A couple hours later peacekeepers escorted me downstairs. One hands me a suit to wear in the games. It looks completely different than the ones in the 74th Hunger Games. It's like made for water or something. Most likely tropical matching my father's game arena. Tying my hair into pigtail braids I run my hands down my sides until a computer voice boomed through the room. "Tributes head for the tubes." Sucking a lump in my throat peacekeepers escorted me downstairs once more. A woman stands in the doorway with an instrument asking for my arm as the men leave. "Give me your arm please?" Slowly raising my right arm she sticks a needle shooting something into it. I winced eyeing her nervously. "That's the tracker." She nodded pushing me into a small room seeing Celestia standing in front of the tube. She twisted the fabric of her shirt wearing her hair in a braid looking like Katniss. It has become a new obsession for most of the young girls.

"I didn't think I would see you again in this situation, Celestia." I breathed out watching her step up to me. She's gotten taller than the last time I saw her. She twisted her boot into the metal floor reaching down and revealing a knife from inside her boot. A knife that couldn't be any bigger than the tiny training daggers. "This is from your father. He couldn't come see you so he sent me instead. He sent me a message to give you before you go..." She trailed off slipping the blade into the hidden waste band of the suit. "Use this when you're alone and remove the tracker." Raising my brows at her I don't understand what she's going with this. "Celestia..." She raised her hand cutting me off giving me a stern look on her face. "There's not much time Y/n. Just know that when you're given the opportunity can you come rescue me."

The teck voice spoke through the speaker again making us both jump apart a little. Whipping my head up I get a nervous feeling in my gut, eyeing the tube. Once I step inside there's no going back. I shall be going to my possible death and it all depends on me. How well I'm good at killing people. "Ten seconds!" Celestia rushed forward wrapping her arms around me. I stiffened my back unsure at first but I slowly hugged her back. Resting my chin on her head picturing that I am hugging Prim, she always calmed me down when I was nervous. Finally we pulled apart and I slowly stepped into the tube seeing the glass slide closed. Celestia spun on her feet pressing her hand to the glass holding the three fingers up to me. "I don't want to be a Capital girl anymore. You're father works with the resistance and I'll join you soon enough." The tube starts to rise as I try to register what she just said. My heart beats faster in my chest getting blinded by the sun taking a minute to let my eyes adjust. All the tributes are on pedestals in a circle with the whole Cornucopia surrounded by water. There's a little gap we have to swim from here to the platform. "Let the 75th Hunger Games begin. May the odds be ever in your favor. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" An announcer's voice booms through the arena and I don't dare pause, diving into the water remembering what my father told me. Don't get distracted by the scenery.

Comments really appreciated :)

Let the games begin!!

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