Allie Worth

532 18 2

All the tributes are on pedestals in a circle with the whole Cornucopia surrounded by water. There's a little gap we have to swim from here to the platform. "Let the 75th Hunger Games begin. May the odds be ever in your favor. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" An announcer's voice booms through the arena and I don't dare pause, diving into the water remembering what my father told me. Don't get distracted by the scenery.

I gasped sharply once my heads above water crawling up onto the rock platform I just started running to the cordincopia. I didn't have time to focus on Katniss or Peeta only myself. I dive forward snatching a pack of knives from one of the tributes who gets an arrow shot into their chest, whipping my head around I see Katniss lower her bow nodding my direction. Getting to my feet I sense someone coming where I almost threw a knife but the person grabbed my wrist holding it still where I recognized the eyes of Finnick. "Easy Abernathy. You're father asked me to look out for you." I raise a brow still not entirely trusting of him until he revealed a golden band on his other wrist. Effie had given Peeta and my father each something to match us girls. Saying we were a team. I knew he wouldn't have given it to a tribute unless he really trusted them with my life.

"Duck, Y/n." He ordered and I dropped to my knees seeing him throw his trident into the chest of a tribute that was about to kill Katniss. Seconds later I hear a Canon fire go off marking him dead. Katniss ran around the side seeing Peeta fighting with a boy in the water causing me to throw a knife towards the boys. "Peeta!" The knife fell into the water as they both went under and then a Canon sounded off. Katniss gasped as I rest my hands to my mouth praying that I didn't just get him killed. Thankfully he shot up from the water gasping for breath until I help pull him up onto the platform. He struggles for breath resting a hand on my shoulder. "Thanks...Y/n." I nodded before we followed the others into the forest away from the Cornucopia. Once we're far enough away I rest my hands on my knees feeling Celestia's hidden knife in the waist of my suit. "I'm not cut out for this. Snow knows I'm gonna die." I breathed out seeing Maggs staring at me with a sad face. Finnick comes over helping me to my feet as I brush my hair from my eyes. "You've gotta think there's a chance. Something to fight for."

Night had come a few days later where I lay my back against a tree staring up at the sky picturing that I'm not here. Instead I'm in the woods with Gale where nothing was trying to kill me. Everyone else was asleep except for Finnick who keeps eyeing me. "You should get some sleep, princess. You'll need it in here." Drifting my eyes to his ocean green ones I rest my chin on my knees hearing the russiling of leaves behind me. Drawing a knife I throw it on the other side of the tree hearing the gun go off afterwards. Something inside my brain snapped before more foosteps came around for me to see Johanna holding her hands up in surrender. "I just - did I just - no I couldn't have!" I start hyperventilating where she bend down resting her hands on my shoulders trying to break me free from the shock. "Hey, hey, don't freak out alright. It was one of the carriers. You're knife saved me!" But I cling onto her crying where she stiffened not used to getting embraced anymore. She reluctantly put her arms around me eyeing Finnick who looked to the ground still broken oven losing Maggs a a few hours ago.

When morning came again our little group that now included Beetie headed for the Cornucopia that Wiris discovered was actually a clock I watch her sit near the edge of the water until a Canon went off for me to see a carrier holding her by the throat about to kill me but I throw a knife straight into his bare chest watching him fall into the water with the Canon boom. My knees become like jelly where I almost collapse to the ground in tears. My heart beats faster as I couldn't wrap my head around that I just killed someone. The guys face is frozen in my mind probably forever. "Y/n!" Katniss warned before my feet are pulled out from under me as the clock platform started spinning. I scream grabbing a hold of the rock as best as I can. Finnick and Peeta have to dodge weapons getting thrown at their heads since they were the closet to the top. Johanna grabbed Katniss's hand struggling to hold onto her. I grunt feeling my hands starting to slip terrified this is how I'll die. My right hand slips and seconds after so does my left causing me to get aggressively thrown into the water.

Haymitch watched the TV screen broadcasting the games in utter horror. Seeing you fall into the water screaming for dear life reminded him of his two great loses. Maya and Maysilee. Their deaths were something out of his control as is the fate you are doomed to indear. He couldn't live with the possibility of being alive without you. You made him better than he used to be so he turned on his feet to find the only person in the Capital that cared about your safety above Katniss's, Celestia Snow. Plutarch didn't agree with bringing a Capital citizen into their resistance plan but he didn't care what he agreed to. Entering the tributes center he was suprised to see the young girl waiting for him, wearing her hair in a side braid. "Did you give her the knife, Ms. Snow?" She nodded getting to her feet picking up the clothes that were a shirt and pants ditching her princess type dresses. "Let's go save my friend and your daughter." He nodded to the girl still suprised she became a rebel so easily.

Should I add flashbacks of Haymitch and Maysilee?

Comments really appreciated :)

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