How Dare You Try

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FairyLoveWhisperer thanks for sending in idea!!

"You alright, golden strawberry?" I can hear his voice croaked clearly exhausted. I again collapse into Gale's arms only seeing black. "Gale, I'm-"

I can't open my eyes for two reasons. One I don't have the energy and two I don't want to. It's too painful to think that Celestia Snow. The girl I risked my life for hit me upside the head knocking me unconscious. A humming sound from medical machines rings in my ears. But still I don't open my eyes not wanting to face the horrible reality. A door creaked opened and foosteps stopped at the end of the bed, sitting down and resting a hand on my back I recognized the voice of my boyfriend. "Y/n, you have to get up. The doctors cleared you to leave." Shaking my head I put my hands over my ears not moving any more than that. "I'm not leaving, Gale. I - she's a monster!" The bed dips down and I squinted one eye open seeing him laying down facing me. Wiping away some tears of his with my thumb I know why he was crying. It was because he was horrified of losing me to the Capital.

I bury my face into his chest heavily sobbing. He wrapped his arms around my body pulling me as close as he possibly can. He kissed my forehead lightly crying himself at the same time. We both were afraid to lose the other and we're in the middle of a war. I thought Celestia was my friend but Snow used her against me. He used his own granddaughter against me. The doors to the room opened causing us to lift our heads up and see my father. He had bruises on his neck that Peeta had given him. The Capital had drugged him to try and choke Katniss to death but they got him off thankfully. "Dad, what is it. What's going on?" I asked swinging my legs to hang over the side of the medical cot. His face showed terrible concern before guards can be heard running outside. "It's Celestia. Coin's using her as an example." Jumping to my feet I burst through the door feeling my head getting dizzy still not 100% better from the impact.

"Today we have freed the Victor's. Today we have not only done that but...we have also got someone to send a message back to the Capital. That we are not to be ignored or viewed as weak. Here's Celestia Snow." Coin shouted into the microphone with cameras and everyone in District 13 watching her. Gale and my father ran behind me as I gasped seeing two guards shoved her onto her knees. I wanted to believe it wasn't the real her. That she could change personalities in a second and kill Coin. But those eyes I knew well, those eyes that hold tears as she begged. Coin gets handed a gun where I bolted up the stairs, jumping over the railing and tackling her to the ground. The gun fires into the air following a huge gasp from the crowd. "Urgh - lock her up immediately!" Coin grunts when guards handcuffs me and she scoffed her short hair a mess in her face.

The next time I see my father or Gale is when I'm sitting handcuffed to a metal pole inside the medical bay in the room I was in earlier this morning. Katniss is in medical still because of her throat and Finnick was reunited with Annie his love. My father takes a seat down beside me on the bed where he brushes my hair back revealing a bump from when I tackled Coin now forming. "She's gonna kill me dad...Celestia or Coin either way someone wants me dead." I mumbled feeling my head not acting right still where I might pass out again. "Celestia is being monitored by medical staff and I took care of Coin. Well Plutarch did actually, he convinced her to let you live." He paused seeing my eyes get heavy so he moves my head so it's laying on his shoulder. Closing my eyes I feel around taking a hold of a chain around my neck for a necklace. "Dad, I saved her...she tries to kill me and I save her. I don't understand why.." He nodded kissing my forehead watching me play with the weird charm around my neck. Squinting my eyes shut I see flashes of the necklace, dad and me, then a woman in pictures just by herself who I don't recognize. "Dad, where's mom...what happened to her?" I mumbled out in utter confusion seeing him about to burst into heavy sobbing right before my eyes.

Hey ya'll short chapter. But here it is :) Onto Mockingjay part 2

Comments really appreciated

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