The Stories Weren't True

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I rest my chin on my knees hearing the russiling of leaves behind me. Drawing a knife I throw it on the other side of the tree hearing the gun go off afterwards. The guys picture appeared above our heads a few minutes later. Wrapping my arms around myself I rock back and forth, lifting my shacky hands I'm front of me. I just killed someone.

"No, no, please don't kill me!" I thrashed under the thin blanket of the bed screaming in my sleep. Hands reached over trying to hold me still where I keep fighting against them until I recognized the voice calling out to me. "Y/n, Y/n,. Wake up, you're not there anymore!" Shooting my eyes opened I gasped feeling my breathing slowly down. Gale's eyes are locked on mine still holding my wrists down on the bed so I can't hit him. He slowly released his grip allowing me to sit up in the bed. He rests a hand on my lower back feeling me still shacking. My hands clutching the bedsheets under my hands. "I - I was back there - the night I killed...I need to go with Katniss today - I need to go home." Gale turned my chin so ill look him in the eye. "It's not home anymore,'s just.." I know he won't talk about the bombing. Especially since he blamed himself for letting my fake mother Elizabeth die.

Gale left to prepare a hovercraft while I found Katniss sitting in medical with Prim. She runs up to me and I bury my face in her hair, wrapping her in a comfortable hug. "I'm sorry Y/n. I can't imagine what you're going through." Someone clears their throat causing us to break the hug. I see a black guy who says he would escort us. Katniss and I intertwined hands getting in a elevator but my freehand slides down to the knife clipped on my hip. I don't trust anyone else here but the people from home. "We were always told there was nothing left of 13." Katniss breaths out referring to the stories in school where we were taught of the other districts. Tucking hair behind my ear I've just been leaving it loose instead of how it used to be in pigtails. "They told us that no one was left alive...that it was to be a threat to the others of what happened." The guy nods my direction opening the door. Katniss quickly runs up hugging Gale who whispered in her ear. "I can't believe you're really doing this." She simply replied taking my hand again. "We have to see it for ourselves."

The hovercraft lands where our boots banged on the metal ramp. Once the fog clears I gasped holding a hand over my mouth at the hall where our names were drawn. Now just turned to rubble in front of us. Katniss slowly started walking through the town but stops where I whispered. "What's wrong, Katniss?" She moved her foot and I nearly threw up seeing a dead skull on the ground. She covered her mouth stumbling up the hill gasping where I rushed forward. Halting in my tracks my knees give out and I drop in the dirt of thousands of skulls, scattered all down the town. "Mo - mom. I - I'm so sorry - Elizabeth this - this is my fault!" I started crying somehow picturing the screaming in my mind. All the honor and how they had no time to prepare at all. Weakly we managed to get to the victory house and I scoffed seeing that it's the only thing standing completely fine. Katniss walks around picking up her families things but I stop walking hearing something coming. Launching my knife towards the window, it sticks in the wall right above Buttercups head. The cat meows at me where I slump my shoulders thankfully I didn't kill Prim's cat. Katniss picks him up putting him in her bag but he growled never liking her.

"You should try and eat something." Gale suggests resting a hand over mine as we eat dinner. Leaning back in my chair I shutter out in shock. "I don't think I can, Gale - I can't stomach that Celestia is related to that man." He sighed pulling my head to lay against his chest, arms draped around me. During my nightmares the first few weeks we were here I dreamed of Snow or someone killing her. Ending up I had to tell Gale that our friendship wasn't just an act, it's real. Katniss really just picked at her food on her tray until the announcement came on from the Capital. Lifting my head up a little I see Flickerman on the screen wearing a black tux. "Here's someone to shed some light on what really happened in the Quarter Quell. Please welcome Mr. Peeta Mellark." She slowly rose to her feet stopping as close as she can to the screen. Pushing myself up I drop my mouth opened picturing that Snow had killed him after my father said he was still in the Capital. Petta's hair is neat and he's wearing a white tux broadcasting this to every district. "It seems as though she and her friend Y/n were part of a rebel plan." Flickerman questions the boy where he shakes his head no is disagreement.

Gale squeezes my hand in his as I don't move my eyes from the screen. It sickened me to see his dressed like that again. The Capital must be doing something else to him I just don't know what. "Well was it part of either of their plans to almost be killed by Joanna or get killed by lightning. No we were not part of any rebel plan. We had no idea what was going on!" Peeta threw his hands up pausing in his speech. "I want everyone who's watching to stop and to think about what a civil war could mean. We almost went out once before and now one numbers are even fewer. Is this really what we want to do, kill ourselves off. Killing is not the answer. Everyone needs to lay down their weapons immediately." District 13 citizens started shouting that he's a traitor and that he can't be trusted anymore. Katniss turns on her heels running out of the room. Jumping to my feet I chased after her but bumped into a body, feeling arms grab me so I don't fall. "Finnick?" I questioned up to him. He let's me stand on my own, running his fingers through his hair. Frantically looking everywhere around me for some reason. "We need to talk's about her, Celestia."

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