They Burn With Us

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Beeta gave Katniss a new bow and a crossbow for Gale. Shrugging on a brown leather jacket I brush my fingers over some of the blades he made for me. My hair is only slightly pulled back, leaving the rest of it loose down my back. He rolled forward in his chair carrying a crossbow in his hands. But instead of an arrow tip, it's loaded with a blade. "I know you're good with blades. But I talked with Gale and he suggested maybe combining a crossbow." Moving it around in my hands I see that there's a holder for all the blades. One is already in so I stepped up asking over my shoulder. "Can I uh?" Beeta nods moving his hand forward. Pressing the back to my shoulder I move my fingers to the trigger. Holding the front of it slowly releasing a breath when I pulled the trigger. The blade shot down into a target that looks like a person when I lower the weapon in my hands. Turning back to Beeta I smiled proudly to the only other person who was an allie in the games that I didn't already know.

Carrying the weapon someone called out to me before I got on the hovercraft that would take us to District 8. "Y/n, wait!" Glancing over my shoulder it's my father with his hands shoved in his jacket pockets. Walking down the ramp I sit the crossbow on the floor eyeing his worried expression. "Dad, you don't have to worry about me...I think I can handle myself." He stepped up tucking hair behind my ear for me weakly smiling. "I'm your father, honey. I'm always going to worry. Plus I think you're boyfriend and I can agree we would rather see you stay here." Wrapping my arms around his neck he hugs me back, running one hand through my hair. We break away for my necklace to move from underneath my shirt. He tucks it back replying. "I'll be alright. I'll have Gale and mom with me. Besides I'm the Capital Princess...the district's need to see Katniss and I are alive after all." He kisses my forehead waving bye to me when the door starts to close with me inside. Gale reaches for my hand seeing me shaking. Laying my head on his shoulder I closed my eyes still uneasy around hovercraft, thinking I'm going back into an arena

The hovercraft rumbled to the ground before we get off and the film team started getting ready. Katniss pulled opened the curtains immediately seeing thousands of men, women and children all injured in some way. Gale and I stand a few steps away from her. I squeeze his hand in mine feeling sick at the sight. Snow is hurting people and he doesn't even care. Suddenly a black woman called out our names nervously. "Katniss Everdeen...Y/n Abernathy, what are you doing here?" Katniss simply replied. "I came to see you." Removing my hand from his I step up to her side. "We have to stick together." Someone asked about the baby before a guy asked. "Are you here to fight with us?" Katniss takes my hand in hers and we said together. "I am. I will." Seconds afterwards the guy raised three fingers up in the air causing me to gasp. Everyone else around us of the wounded followed afterwards bringing me to tears. Clasping my freehand to my necklace for strength I smiled, knowing that these people have hope. Hope is everything to the district's.

"We've got problems. Bombers coming." The district's leader said so we rush inside a building but I immediately hear gunfire. Katniss suddenly ran up to a window and I followed her. People are hiding behind an old vehicle on the ground right as a hovercraft starts shooting the ground. "Katniss, Y/n!" Gale hollered out to us. Squinting my eyes I see the craft fly back around firing off another shot. This time it explodes causing the three of us to get thrown to the ground. Covering my face with my hands I lift up seeing smoke clear. "Get away from the wall!" Shooting my head up I suck in a breath seeing the whole window staring to break. "Y/n!" Gale abruptly tackles me forward and onto the ground. I grunt hitting the stone ground, my ears ringing like crazy. Blinking my eyes he's hovering over me, heavily breathing like me. "You alright?" I nod my head yes getting to my feet hearing Katniss hollering out. "They're targeting the hospital!"

Gale meets up by her side raising their weapons. Standing behind them I hung my mouth opened dropping to my knees when the two hovercrafts get closer. The gunfire they are shooting hits the ground right before the pair fired their weapons. The hovercrafts catch on fire, crashing right down near the hospital. Quickly rising to my feet I run towards it smelling smoke and flames. "Oh God. No, no!" I cry sliding on my feet seeing the hospital completely up in flames. Katniss gasped shaking in shock with Gale having to hold her up a little. The lead film lady called for Katniss who turned her back to the fire croaking in tears. "I want the rebels to know that I'm alive. That I'm in District 8. Where the Capital just bombed a hospital. Filled with unarmed men, woman and children...and their will be no survivor's." Katniss suddenly raised her voice pointing her arm back behind her towards the fire. "If you think for one second that the Capital will ever treat us fairly. You are lying to yourself. Because we know who they are and what they do. This is what we do and we must fight back...I have a message for President Snow, you can torture us, bomb us and burn our District's to the ground. But do you see is catching. And if we burn you burn with us!"

Gale slowly walks forward seeing me weakly rise to my feet. Sniffling heavily I let tears fall down at all the people dead. In this moment I pray to God that Celestia doesn't follow in her in grandfather's foosteps. That she doesn't become the new president who everyone fears. "Woah, woah. I've got you - I've got you Y/n." He secured arms around me, holding me up. My legs had given out while I sobbed into his chest heavily. He runs his fingers through my hair hoping to calm me down but he'd never know the nightmares that plagued your mind. That you understood Katniss's anger to kill Snow. If he sent people to kill her she would fight. Fight until she manages to save Celestia Snow and Primrose Everdeen from harm.

Comments really appreciated :)

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