Arena Game

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Haymitch's POV
The tube sends me up and I get sucked in by the beauty that is before me. The wind blows through my hair. The Cornucopia is glowing gold with loads of weapons surrounding it. Turning my head to the left I see a patch of woods. Looking the other direction everyone else is still focused on the beauty when an announcer's voice booms through the arena. "Ladies and Gentlemen, let the 50th Hunger Games begin. May the odds be ever in your favor. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1" Brushing my fingers through my hair I put on a serious face while the others are still distracted. Running off my pedestal I feel my heart beating in my chest as the killing has begun.

Y/n's POV
Shrugging on a Jean jacket over a grey tea shirt, leggings and black boots. I finished putting my hair in two braids each on one side. Brushing my hands over staring in the mirror. The games are today. Katniss or Peeta could die today. I could die today too. Three soft knocks on my door breaks me from my trance seeing my father dressed in a grey suit watching me. "I'm heading to take Katniss downstairs. Do you wanna join us?" I simply nodded walking towards the elevator. She has her hair in her braid weakly smiling at me. The three of us entered the elevator where I leaned my back against the wall in one of the corners.

"They'll put all kinds of stuff right in front. Right in the mouth of the Cornucopia. There'll even be a bow there. Don't go for it." He instructed her with one last piece of advice. "Why?" She raised a brow confused as to why she wouldn't go for the weapon she was good with. "It's a bloodbath. They're trying to pull you in. That's not your game. You turn, run, look for high ground. Look for water. Waters your new best friend...oh don't stop off that pedestal early or they'll blow you sky high." My father brushes his hair that had fallen in front of his eyes when the elevator door opened. I took her hands in mine, hugging her and she whispered into my ear.

"If I don't make it I need you to tell Prim, I love her." Breaking the hug I softly nodded mumbling to my friend. "Katniss, go show them what District 12 can do." She stepped onto the hovercraft as my hands started shacking. I feel my father intertwining his left hand with my right brushing his thumb over my ring. "What are we supposed to do dad. Just wait to die?" I mumbled shivering at the thought watching the hovercraft lift into the air. He swallowed a lump in his throat not looking my way. "No, we keep playing the game. I won't let Snow kill you like he did the rest of my family."

Haymitch's POV
Running through the woods getting hit with trees I trip falling down a hill. Grunting down the hill I land on my back holding my head. Quickly getting to my feet I heard the cannons go off in the distance. Signaling for the number of fallen tributes. Pulling my bag off I shuffle stuff around finding a knife inside. Getting to my feet I truck through the forest hearing another Canon go off. Stepping around a tree at my feet lies a dead boy with some fruit in his hands. Bending down I figured it was poison since he didn't have any open wounds on him where another tribute would have killed him. Opening my bag I rummage around hoping to find some food. Pulling a bag out with my right hand I opened it, finding some nuts. Slowly popping it in my mouth I prayed they weren't like the fruit. After a few minutes I didn't feel anything so I sighed in relief heading further into the arena.

Y/n's POV
Dad and I stand in front of one of the large screens showing the arena hearing a gamemaker starting the countdown. Biting my lip I can picture the horror on Prim's face seeing her sister on the screens. Gale probably doesn't have the heart to watch. It sickened him about how some people view these games."16...15...14...13...12...11...10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1." Glancing at my father I can see him shiver when the countdown ended and all the tributes raced off their pedestals straight for the Cornucopia, all except a few ran for the woods.

Peeta Mellark was one of the smart ones. It didn't take long before the tributes from 1 and 2 had gotten their hands on weapons. I rest a hand over my mouth seeing some of the younger kids hiding only to get killed in a matter of seconds. Pressing my left foot backwards I shuddered, removing my hand from my father's. Tears clouding my vision where I might puke when all that comes to mind is Prim. Even though she is back home safe, it doesn't hurt any less.

"I have to go - I can't - I can't watch.." I mumbled making my father eye Mr mumbling since we're surrounded by capital sponsors. "Y/n, we have to..." He cut himself off seeing my whole body language. So he lets my hand slip from his watching me walking away. The first person who came to his mind was Maya, who without a doubt watched in horror like you had been.

Haymitch's POV
Three Careers tributes somehow found me. Pulling out my long knife one of them charged for me but when they tried to stab me I elbowed them. Shoving the blade into their chest right when the other attacked me. I ducked underneath their arm when they swung a sword at me. I punch them in the side spinning my knife in my other hand slamming them onto the ground. Slicing their throat right before the third tribute tackle me to the ground. They punch me in the face drawing blood about to kill me, with a blade to my throat. Yet suddenly they get shot in the back. They fail over for me to see a dart in their back which was poisonous. Whipping my head up I catch sight of a blonde haired girl walking up to me. Who holds her hands out for me helping me up. "We'll last longer if there are two of us. I'm Maysilee Donner." Once I'm back on my feet I brush my bloody hair from my eyes replying. "Haymitch, Haymitch Abernathy."

Y/n's POV
Pressing my back against a wall I'm thankful that nobody else is here. Sliding down onto the floor I take in some breaths. For some reason I'm more stressed than I should be and I'm not even in the games right now. Footsteps came down the hall and a sweet voice made me lift my head up from my knees. "Y/n, are you crying?" Celestia comes to sit down by me since I don't say anything. Gale would call me insane for befriending the president's granddaughter. But I can't exactly help that she is just so innocent. Even though she's surrounded by people who cheer on people killing each other as a game. She'll never become a monster like the district's children. The Capital children don't compete in the games at all.

"Is it because of that lady we saw yesterday?" Her sweet voice questions sitting with her legs criss crossed. "Yes it is, Celestia...she's my.." I bite my tongue thinking that she'd run and tell her grandfather. Shaking my head I get to my feet causing her to call after me. "Y/n, Y/n!" She grabbed my arm and I yanked it away from her. "We can't be friends Celestia!" Tears appear in her eyes with a quivering lip. "Wh - why?" Stomping away from her I felt my heart rate increasing. "Because I'm not supposed to be alive. Your grandfather wants to kill my whole family...he killed my father's family!" Celestia ran off somewhere and I ran the other way, almost falling down the stairs. I bumped into the game maker Seneca Crane. He dropped the files he was holding so I bent down handing them to him. He takes them from me where I barely catch a glimpse of my parents and a picture of me. "Watch where you're going. You should be watching the show." He sniped heading down the hallway.

Unknown to you Seneca opened the door stepping up to president Snow. "Ser, there's something I think you need to see. It's about that Y/n girl, the one who came here with District 12." Snow stared up at his game maker. It had been the first eight hours and almost all the tributes were dead. "What is it. The girl is fine. I looked into her file and found no connection." Seneca was about to respond but Celestia burst into sobbing in tears. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" He got to his feet hugging her as she mumbled into his suit. "Why did you hurt her family. Why grandpa, she - she doesn't want to hang out with me anymore." Seneca opened his mouth trying to explain. "I have an answer to that question-" But Snow raised his hand to the man cutting him off. 'Enough, we will talk about your theory later. Now I like you, Seneca. But you are here to make the games. Not chase some girl who has made my granddaughter upset!"

Seneca dropped his papers on the desk leaving the room. Celestia noticed the same picture from yesterday pointing her finger at it whispering. "I've seen her before grandpa. Yesterday, Y/n was almost crying over her." Snow eyed his family member. Maybe Seneca had a point to make. "What did she know about her, darling?" He asked her nicely, hugging her into his chest. "I think she was saying something about...Mother." Snow closely stared at the picture of District 12's only Victor and the mysterious woman. Then picked up the picture of you, knowing he needed to heat what Seneca was going to say immediately.

Comments really appreciated :)

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