We Have Our Owm Fight

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Two guards by the hovercraft opened the door for me. My hair is in two braids like in the games when I run up throwing my arms around my boyfriend's neck. Gale wrapped his strong arms around me, burying his face into my hair sighing heavily. "You don't have to worry about me babe. As long as I'm here I'm safe. But you're going right into Snow's arena...he won't leave anything to chance you know." I sniffed through some tears breaking the hug but gripping his bullet proof vest in my hands instead.

"You're only safe when you aren't around that Capital girl. I don't think bringing her here was a good idea Y/n." He replied slumping his shoulders in annoyance. Soldiers walked past us loading up the bullets and everything. Bending my head down I pushed hair from my eyes knowing he had a point. I risked my life to save her and she tried to kill me as a result of Snow. "Gale, I know you don't see it. But when she was in the Capital before we met. She was this sweet girl who just wanted to see the world...There's good in her I know it."

Foosteps approached behind us where I glanced over my shoulder seeing my father and Prim waiting to see him off with me. Prim ran up hugging him and my father pated him on the shoulder for luck. Gale opened his arms for me where I almost tackled him to the ground crying into his chest. He kisses my hair squeezing me tightly crying a little too. The last time that we had to leave the other was the Quarter Quell and we didn't really get to say good-bye. This time I won't know if he is alive or dead and I don't think I can stomach what would happen if he does die. A commanding officer came over causing Gale to break the hug walking up the ramp onto the hovercraft. He shares me one last glance calling out before the engine started firing loudly. "I love you!"

"Wait - what Gale. I - I have to tell him..dad let me go!" I started to run forward but my father grabbed my arm holding me back over the warning line. The hovercraft started closing its doors where I called out as loud as I could praying that he heard me say it back. "I love you too. I love you!" The door closed and ir flies out of the hanger bay causing me to fling my arms around my father crying again. He wrapped his arms around my waist. One hand moving through my hair trying to calm me down. "He said I love you dad...and I didn't say it fast enough. What if he didn't hear it...what if he dies...never knowing!" He kisses my hair breaking the hug giving me a weak smile.

Prim touched my shoulder and I hugged her gently. She wrapped her arms around me where we stayed like this for longer than I did with my father's hug. Finally we broke the hug so she could lead me down to the medical center. She had been very proud of herself for getting the opportunity to help and be a nurse like her mother. It warns my heart to know that a 14 year old girl like her will get to live the rest of her days in a better world. But there's the ghost of Rue that flashed through the back of my mind every so often. Plutarch and I hadn't spoken since he asked me to see Celestia all tied down like Peeta Mellark. "I'm suprised you stayed Ms. Abernathy. Given your past with going into the Capital alone." I heard the voice of Coin over my shoulder entering the room.

Prim kept tending to some supplies when I stood up crossing my arms over my chest scowling at her entrance. I have avoided her prescence ever since she tried to murder Celestia in front of everyone in District 13. Her way to send a message to the Capital is what she said. "Well I felt it would be easier on my father to know I was safe. Since he's already had to watch me almost die in the Quell. But that not what you really want to talk about is it Ms. President?" Coin sits down on one of the empty cots patting the empty space for me to join her. I reluctantly do still keeping my arms the way they were.

"You are a smart girl like your father. I came here to ask you a question. If you could get revenge on Snow for what he did to your family would you take the chance?" She locked eyes with me almost showing no emotions which makes a chill run down my spine. Prim had told me and her sister that Coin had lost her whole family in the bombing of their district years ago. Avoiding games with her I play with the end of one of my braids not trusting her anymore. The sad truth is that if we didn't follow her we wouldn't have 13's military to help us fight the Capital. "It wouldn't be my decision. My father would be the better one to ask. Considering he murdered his whole family because he didn't want my father to win the games."

She simply nodded before I got up and left the medical center flopping back on the cot in my quarters until someone opened the door revealing my dad who lifted my feet sitting down where I shifted so my head was laying in his lap. He draped his right arm over me running his fingers through my hair finally breaking the silence. "Katniss snuck onto a hovercraft against Coin's orders." I snorted lifting my head up giving him a smirk. He mirrors it knowing that our girl on fire wasn't going to sit around. She was going to be in the middle of the fight and kill Snow in the end. "So Gale and Finnick made it alright though?" I asked since Annie his wife would want to know if her husband was safe at least for now. They had gotten married shortly before the mission was announced. "They're fine babygirl. You can rest with me by your side tonight." He replied pulling the covers over the both of us and for the first time since we arrived here I slept peacefully in my father's arms.

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