Life Risking Volunteers

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Haymitch's POV
Bursting open the door to Katniss's room I feel my heart banging against my chest. I haven't been able to find Y/n and I have one guess of where she went. "Have you seen, Y/n?" She shakes her head no getting to her feet seeing me nervous. Running my hands down my face I gasped terrified that I might lose her now and there's nothing I can do. "She - She went on the volunteer rescue mission. Why didn't - I should've known!" Katniss suddenly runs in the direction finding the control room with Plutarch and Coin. Finnick appears on the screen talking to all of the districts. On the smaller screens I see Gale and the others faces, but still no Y/n. If she's not there then where exactly is she. I cannot lose my family.

Y/n's POV
Hiding behind one of the storage crates on the hovercraft I tye my boots tighter. Putting on the mask and helmet I stole from the medical center. Pulling on a bullet proof vest I suck in a breath seeing the Tribute center from the front window. The hovercraft rattled to a stop opening the large door behind me. The team which includes Gale get to their feet, suiting up with guns and masks. Clutching the tiny chain of my mother's necklace I mumbled under my breath. "I'm sorry dad, I can't let her stay here." The team dropped down on cable wires and the door stayed open so I grab one of the ropes sliding down. Luckily I wore thick gloves so I don't burn my hands. The boys entered through a lower room as I hide behind the wall, glancing around then following shortly after them. Peaking around the corner I recognized a stairwell from the first games meaning it would lead to the penthouse that we stayed in.

Banging my boots up the stairs I hit the end of my gun against the door knocking it opened. Moving the red light from my weapon around the room I see someone laying on a table. Walking up slowly I see it's Celestia, her hair sticking down from sweating. Her arms and legs are restrained down. Tilting my head down I pull out a knife from my boot, cutting them apart where she starts screaming in a whimper. "No, no, no more!" Pulling my mask off I grab her arm trying to make her be quiet. My hair falling over my shoulders like a mess. "Sshh Celestia. Celestia, it's me. I'm here, it's Y/n!" The young girl lifted her head up, her chest starts to slowly move up and down. "You - you came!" She suddenly flings her arms around my neck where I stumbled a little at the sudden impact. Running one hand through her knotted hair I sigh in relief pressing her against my chest, hoping that this isn't a dream until I hear voices of the districts 13 team down the hall.

"Come on. We have to go now." I pull her off the table grabbing her hand forgetting the helmet on the ground. Lifting my gun up I searched down the halls seeing the Capital guards knocked out by the gas they threw. Celestia followed almost riding my back and I can hear her shaking in fear. Clutching the gun in my hands I still feel angry towards our president Snow. I remember seeing medical needles laying near her, so they've probably been torturing her with who knows what. Here a small part of me thought she would be safe since he's her grandfather but I was wrong. "Celestia, keep up. We have to get on the hovercraft before they wake up." I instructed her searching for a way to climb back up, the both of us together. The ropes would reattach to the teams suit but not to mine. "Okay uh - Celestia go up first. It'll take you to the resistance. I'll be right behind you." I tugged the rope offering her my freehand that she took reluctantly but a voice makes me turn away from her as she climbed. "Y/n, what the - how the hell are you here!"

Whipping my head around knocking hair in my face I see Gale running up to me. He balls his hands into fists at his side clearly frustrated that I came on the mission without telling him. "You shouldn't be here. I was gonna bring her and Peeta back. They're safe-" I cut him off raising my tone up at my boyfriend, not catching that something had been taken from my belt. "Gale, I'm sorry but I don't trust Coin. All Katniss cares about is Peeta so how was I supposed to know she would be rescued. Besides I can take - urgh!" I get cut off feeling some harshly hit me in the back of my head. Gale catches my limp body in his strong arms where my vision blurs. My eyes scattered around finally seeing Celestia standing above me holding the butt end of my gun in her hands. Her eyes are darker and she doesn't show any emotion. "Celestia..." I croaked our struggling to keep myself awake.

The Capital girl then screams running forward and snatching the knife that had fallen from my belt off the ground. She nearly managed to stab me until Gale secured his arms around her, tossing the knife away so she couldn't kill me. I gasped laying on my side feeling my head spinning where I'm light headed from the hit she took. "Urgh get your hands off me. She promised - and then broke it. She - has to die!" Celestia thrashed against Gale who is a lot stronger since we actually had to work in the districts. "Bogs, gas her - urg now!" Gale demanded of a man who shoved a gas mask over her mouth, holding her head still until her eyes fell closed. Bogs takes her passed out body onto the hovercraft with the rest of the tributes. Gale's still breathing heavily as I try standing. "You alright, golden strawberry?" I can hear his voice croaked clearly exhausted from fighting with the child. I start to say something and take a step forward but my eyes rolled in the back of my head and I again collapse into Gale's arms only seeing black. "Gale, I'm-"

Comments really appreciated :)

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