Abernathy Rebel

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Johanna grabbed Katniss's hand struggling to hold onto her. I grunt feeling my hands starting to slip terrified this is how I'll die. My right hand slips and seconds after so does my left causing me to get aggressively thrown into the water.

I suddenly gasped for air feeling my body getting pulled up by Peeta and Finnick. The pair lay me on my back as I blinked the water from my eyes with the bright sun above me. Katniss brushes my soaked hair from my face once I sit up still struggling. "Hey just breathe. Just breathe, Y/n." Johanna and Beetie just stared at me while I look to the water shivering. I can't imagine what my father thought when I fell in. What Prim or Gale thought, picturing me dead in the water. A few seconds later we all headed back to the beach where I hug my knees to my chest resting my chin on them. The plan was to gather at the lightning tree and take care of the last Career tributes that were the biggest threat to any remaining tributes.

Brushing my fingertips over one of my boots I slip my hand into it feeling the knife still there thankfully. Celestia told me what to do take out the tracker from my arm. But I'm not sure when I'll be alone or when is the best time. "Abernathy, time to go!" Johanna hollered out making me see our group all ready to go. Rising to my feet I look to the sky picturing my father and Celestia watching me. Pushing through the trees took a lot longer when the sun set where I tripped over a bunch of limbs until we got to the tree. Beetie wraps wire around the tree handing the connecting end to Katniss and Johanna. I can see it written on Katniss's face that she isn't happy about splitting up from Peeta. "I'll go with them." I raise my hand before anyone can argue against me chasing after the pair. Once I can't hear their foosteps I pull the knife out turning it around in my right hand sucking in a breath.

"You better be right about this, Celestia...my life is on the line here." I mumbled to myself pressing the blade against my skin wincing as blood appeared on the tip of the blade. Drawing the line down my arm the small little blinking ball can be seen. Dropping the blade at my feet I lift the blinker out stomping it until it breaks underneath my boots. Finding some leaves I wrapped them together then around my arm, hoping to cloat the blood in my arm. Suddenly thunder can be heard in the distance making me run towards the tree. "Y/n, Katniss!!" I recognized Finnick's voice getting closer to me. Sliding to a halt I see Finnick standing on the other side of the tree a few feet away. With Katniss wrapping the wire around an arrow tip with the sky above the tree about to strike right on time.

Finnick rushed forward about to stop her but Katniss released her arrow getting struck by lightning. The lightning strikes the arrow throwing the four of us backwards and sending an electric line up into the sky blasting the arena. I fly and smack a tree wincing at my back getting scraped by sticks. My head spins and I collapse onto the dirt feeling weak where I might be dreaming when the arena metal starts falling towards the ground before everything went black. The next time I open my eyes I gasped breathing into a oxygen mask seeing I'm on my back laying inside a hovercraft again. Removing the mask I stumbled to my feet seeing my arm still has the leaves wrapped around the wound. "You have been our mission from the beginning. This is the revolution and you are the Mockingjay. We're on our way to District 13 right now." I can faintly hear the voice of Plutarch on the other side of a closed door. Celestia was telling the truth.

"Dad, Katniss!" I cried out as she tried to attack my father with a needle calling him a liar until Plutarch puts a sleeping dart into her back lowering her to the floor. My father got to his feet eyeing me as I sway on my feet leaning against the wall of the door. "Hey sweetheart, here's let tend to that." He walks forward but I feel my eyes getting heavy where I collapse into his arms seeing Finnick rushing to properly handle where I cut myself before I passed out again. The final time I open my eyes I feel the sheets of a bed underneath me and my head on a pillow. Glancing around the room I feel someone tuck hair behind my ear making me see it's Gale sitting at my bedside. "Ga - Gale?' I croaked out feeling my throat is extremely dry and that he has tears falling down his face. He intertwined my right hand with his choking through his tears confusing me.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n. I tried - I tried to save her. I really did there just wasn't - enough time." Raising my brows at his sadness I still don't understand why he's nearly sobbing. "Gale, what are you talking about?" His eyes lifted up into mine squeezing my hand intertwined with mine. "Prim's alive. I managed to get her out with Katniss's mother. But I couldn't - I couldn't save, Elizabeth..." I'm still not understanding why she wouldn't be alive. If my father was in on the revolution surely he had a plan to get her safe. "Are you saying that we're not going home?" He bends his head down crying into the covers for a second making me sit up and wincing a little at the pain in my bandaged arm. "Look at me, Gale. Tell me what happened." I begged him cupping his face in my hands wiping away tears. "The Capital bombed District 12....it's all gone, Y/n." Something in my brain snapped where I just start sobbing heavily into his chest where he pulled my body into his chest trying to make my sobs quieter. "Snow he - no - no I can't - that son of a bitch - no!"

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