Worst Year Nightmare

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Gale was finally healed up and could take care of himself from now on. The snow is gone now as it's becoming warmer. But as things get better there's something coming to worry all of us in District 12. The Reaping of the 75th Hunger Games. My father slumped down in his chair in front of the TV, holding a bottle of alcohol on his left leg. I sit on the arm rest of his chair seeing President Snow walk up onto his podium if front of everyone of his Capital citizens. He reaches over with his freehand intertwining it with his bringing it to his lips kissing it. "Don't fret, babygirl. It won't be you...Celestia won't let them try and kill their princess." He reassures me but in the back of my mind I'm worried about Prim yet again. Quarter Quell games aren't like the other years. They always have a more sickening twist to them.

President Snow tapped his notes on the podium clearing his throat as he waved to the crowds. Celestia stands behind her grandfather with the head game maker resting his hand on her shoulder. "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the 75th year of the Hunger Games. It was written in the Charter of the games that in every 25 years there would be a Quarter Quell. To keep fresh for each new generation the memory of those who died in the uprising against the Capital. Each Quarter Quell is distinguished by games of a special significance and now on this the 75th anniversary of our defeat of the rebellion. We celebrate the 3rd quarter Quell-" He gets cut off by the crowd clapping. My gaze flickered to my father seeing him clutching his alcohol bottle.

"As a reminder that even the strongest cannot overcome the power of the Capital. On this the 3rd Quarter Quell Games, the male and female tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of Victor's in each District. The tributes must present themselves on Reaping day regardless of age, state of health or situation..." The crowd on the TV all roared in boos as I heard glass mash against the wall with my father screaming in rage. He released angey tears as I felt my heart rate increase thinking that I could lose my father if his name gets called. But he started speaking on the TV yet again making me whip my head in his direction. "In addition to the 3rd Quarter Quell selection, another tribute shall be sent into the games. The tribute from District 12, Y/n Abernathy. Otherwise known as our Capital Princess." Snow stepped down as Celestia started chasing after him sobbing with the video cutting off.

I clutch my arms around myself collapsing onto the carpet sobbing uncontrollably. My father bends down on his knees pulling me against his chest. My fingers clutched his shirt staining the fabric with my heavy tears. "He - he knows - I - I'm going to - daddy no!" I can feel his tears falling into my hair too. The games are brutal enough. Making people fight each other until one remains. But the Quell's are extremely different. I can't survive an arena filled with master killers. I'm barely good with a knife in my hands, I'm no where close to being as skilled as any of the other tributes. It's becoming clear to me now that I messed uo telling Celestia about what happened to my father's family. Why did I allow myself to become friends with a child of the Capital. Lifting my head up I get to my feet heading out the door quickly. "I'm going to Gale" Slamming the door behind me I didn't see my father pick up another bottle of alcohol throwing it above a picture of him and my mother hanging on the wall.

Haymitch snapped himself from his rage rushing forward he grabbed the picture before it could hit the floor and shatter. Holding the picture frame in his hands more tears started to cloud his vision. He stood behind Maya his arms draped over her shoulders with an actual smile. She had their hands intertwined together mirroring it with the same amount of excitement. It was taken after another tribute was left to die but neither of them had been called to fight. This was the only moment beside winning the games that he was happy to be alive. This was the night he asked her to be his girlfriend and she gave him the ring with the rose, that you now wear as a yes. "I failed her - I've failed you, my love. I'm sorry - I wish I was with you-" He started crying again hugging the picture to his chest until something fell on the floor at his feet. Sitting the picture on the floor he bend down holding two sealed letters in his hands. One addressed "I love you, Hay" and the other "To my future child". He parted his lips mumbling up towards the ceiling. "Watching from the stars, Maya Flower."

What do you think she wrote in those letters to them?

Comments really appreciated :)

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