Capitol Trickery

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(Play the song during the dance scene)

"A party, have they lost their minds!" I blurted out throwing my arms up at the news my father just told us. Katniss, Peeta and I all sit in the tribute living room of our quarters staring at him. My father dropped his arms at his side sighing. "Yes Plutarch thinks it's a good idea before the interviews tomorrow." Katniss runs a hand through her hair mumbling under her breath. "It's all for show." I push myself up off the couch heading to my room slamming the bedroom door aggressively. Collapsing onto the bed I scream into my pillow, rolling onto my back releasing a deep groan. Staring out the window there's a sunset going behind the buildings. Throwing my legs on the bed I feel tears starting to appear. This is the first time since being back here that I've been able to rage out on this happening to me.

Dropping my face in my hands for a second I lightly cry. Feeling stupid that I am not being tougher in this moment. The way my dad talked about mom. She always appeared so strong so why can't I be like her. Suddenly someone knocked on my door so I sniffed wiping away tears hoping it's not Effie or our stylist. Slowly peaking the door opened I opened it all the way seeing my father. "Oh sweetheart, come here." He extended his arms open and I raced forward nearly tackling him in the hug. My tears stained his shirt but he holds my head with one hand and his other is resting on my back just letting me cry. "I'm sorry it just - it's all overwhelming!" I croaked out slightly pulling away brushing my hair behind my ears. He simply just nod turning his body looking at someone standing behind the doorway. "I know honey, but I brought someone here hoping to cheer you up." Tilting my head around him I see Celestia step into view a nervous smile on her face.

Celestia stares at me worried while Cinna finished helping me into a light blue dress and some flat shoes. My hair curled a little and matching with my mother's necklace. "Y/n, I'm so sorry about's my fault!" She mumbled in some tears as I turned to her, biting my lip thinking about if I should keep my relationship with her. She's an innocent girl who just wants a friend, but it's not safe for me to be that. "Celestia I - I can't talk right now." I closed the door behind her meeting Katniss and Peeta downstairs. Peacekeepers escorted the three of us through the Capital until we entered a huge dinning room that was empty. Some small tables for food and drinks were linked up against the wall, along with cameras positioned up in the corners of the room. That way all of the country could watch us parade around.

"Pathetic isn't it. That they expect us to prance around like royalty?" Turning my head in the direction of the voice recognizing it belongs to Finnick. He has that same cocky smile, one that I assume he only uses on camera. At least that's what I hope. I haven't gotten a chance to ask my father about him since we got here. The briefing of the other tributes and our training starts tomorrow. The interviews will happen after that and the games will follow the next morning. "So you think this is a joke. That we're all pretending to be royalty." I taunted staring into his blue eyes. He extended his hand and I place my hand in his being dragged out onto the dance floor. His left hand resting on my hip and my other hand on his shoulder. Where we here music start to play with others dancing around us.

Finnick twirled me in and out keeping that fake smile on his face. "Do you remember when I said to stick with me?" I nod my head my gaze drifting around the room. "Well I talked with your father and he agreed that we should start training together." I didn't know what his skills were yet but my father knows these people. So if he thinks he would be a good allie then I should take the shot. We spin around as the cameras zoomed in on us making me start to blush. "Just keep your eyes on me. Don't focus on them." Finnick mumbled near my ear, making my eyes stay trained on his blue orbs. "We're playing into their game by dancing together." I pointed out right before he spins me out again. My hair flies over my shoulders when I spin back into his chest, putting on a smile. "Can we start early in the morning?" He nodded picking up two glasses of alcohol handing one to me. I hope that trusting Finnick won't get me killed in that arena.

Comments really appreciated :)

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