Capital Call

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Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I roll over in my bed finding a letter laying on the table from my father. Opening it I smiled since this is the first one he's sent me since last year. "Dear Y/n, I miss you. We both know what day is coming, the Reaping. I talked with some of my friends and they told me that you should be safe once again. Two more years my baby girl and this will no longer be needed. Attached is something that made me think of you, I love you remember that always - your father." Tearing something off the envelope I unrolled it to see a small ring with a rose designed into the top of it. He had told me in one of our earlier letters that my birth mother liked roses so I slip it on my right ring finger weakly smiling.

Brushing my hair I changed into a simple green dress looking to the time on the clock before my mother enters the room. "I wish you luck, my girl." I hugged her and she tucks hair behind my ear smiling. "You're growing up to look so closely to your mother." I smiled hearing the bell ringing outside for everyone to head to the center of town for the Reaping. I twist the fabric of my dress standing in the lime before getting my finger pricked drawing blood to sign in. Foosteps approached beside so I glanced over seeing its Katniss with her brown hair up in a bun. Fear written all over her face but I knew it wasn't at the possibility of her name getting picked. It was for Prim. She turned twelve this year meaning this was her first year that her name could be drawn from the bowl. We reached the others group of girls our age right as I take her hand in mine.

She intertwined her hand in mine before I saw Gale who mouths something to her I don't know before the microphone gets hit by the announcer woman in a pink dress and bows, Effie Tricket my father spoke. "Welcome, happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor!" I bite my lip not liking how much pride she had in her tone. She's been living in the Capital and doesn't know what it's like to lose someone you love or have to kill people. My mother told me that when I was a baby and my father was around he would sleep with a knife in his hands. Too afraid that someone would kill him or baby me in the middle of the night. "Now the time has come to select one caraguois young man and woman. For the honor of representing District 12 in the 74th annual Hunger Games. As usual, ladies first." I squeeze Katniss's hand closing my eyes and praying it's not who we think.

"Primrose Everdeeen!" Effie announced through the microphone. I gasped feeling some tears slip out. Opening my eyes I watched in honor as everyone around her turned to stare at her. Prim ever so slowly started walking towards the stage. Katniss pushed her way through the people. Capital guards started to hold her back as her sister spun on her feet. "I volunteer, I volunteer. I volunteer as tribute!" Katniss hit a guard shouting the words no one has ever said in our district. It was common in districts like in 1 and 2. Katniss hugged her sister to her chest telling her to leave but she refused so I break through the crowd with Gale following after me. "Prim, you need to go. We need to go." I try pulling her arm but she plants her feet into the dirt. "I don't want to Y/n." Gale finally picked her up and she reached out for her sister screaming.

I started to follow them but the two guards hold me back grabbing my forearms. I raise my eyebrows at them before two other guards lead Katniss up onto the stage. Effie returned to the microphone ordering the guards. "Bring them both up please." Me, why me. Prim is hugging her mother tight as Gale mouths something up to me. The guards released me as I shake my head confused back towards him. "And now for the boys, Peeta Mellark." The guards escorted the blonde haired boy up onto the stage. Effie smiled resting her hands on their shoulders to the crowd. "Our tributes from District 12. Katniss Everdeeen and Peeta Mellark!" Effie turned her head back towards me directing with her right hand. I slowly stepped forward where she rested her arm over my shoulder still smiling. "And Y/n L/n shall go to the Capital to watch own our presidents granddaughter!" My mind is going like crazy hearing her say that. Something like this has never been done before. The only reason someone went to the Capital was to go into the games. Glancing down to my finger they took blood from I bawl it into a fist. Dad and I always feared that they might figure out our secret through my blood. I just never imagined it would be two years before I wouldn't have to worry about it. But I sspecially
never thought I'd be going to the Capital.

Comments really appreciated :)

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