Sober Father

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"So what's going on with her. How do you even know anything about her?" I asked being tugged through the hallways by Finnick. He doesn't say anything until he pushed me inside a room where I see my father blowing his nose into a rag. The door closed with Finnick leaning his back against it. "Why did you bring me here?" I asked eyeing my father who sniffed pating the empty bed space beside him so I sit down. "I asked him to. Katniss won't talk to me and neither do you. So I'm sorry that it has to be this way." Flipping my hair I scoffed his direction. "Maybe because you left a little girl there on her own. And don't deny it because she said you were a rebel-" He takes my hands in his cutting me off with a heavy sigh. "Sweetheart, she's still alive. She did her job. If she had left Snow would have burned every district looking for her." Running my fingers through my hair I knotted it a little in frustration. Flopping back on the bed until Finnick cleared his throat. "Katniss is about to start the speech. Come on I'll take you to her." He pulls me up and my father follows us through the halls. I slowly start walking beside him with a small smile mumbling. "I'm sorry dad. I just miss her..." Finnick eyes us as he pulled out a picture of his girlfriend from his pocket. I recognized the girl in the picture as Annie, the girl Maggs had volunteered for in last years games. In his eyes you could see he truly loved her, like Peeta does Katniss.

Katniss stands in front of a screen with little dots holding her bow in her hands. Dressed like she's ready for war. "People of Panem. We fight, we dare to end this hunger for justice!" She shouted but my father walked from around our corner slow clapping his hands to her. "And that my friends. Is how a revolution dies." Katniss just glared down to him quickly leaving the room and I followed. Unfortunately he followed us down the metal staircase grabbing her forearm. "You made your point, Haymitch." She rolled her eyes but he pointed a finger at her. "Not to you I didn't. Look we're gonna have to work together. So just get it off your chest." She yanks her arm from his crossing her arms over her chest. "You promised me that you would save him...but I guess all you care about is your daughter!" My gaze fell to the ground at her words, kicking the tip of my boots into the metal ground. I know she didn't mean it since we're friends but it still hurts regardless. "I can't believe you let him out your sight. And for your information yes I got her out. But I won't let Snow kill the only family I've got left in my life. Did you ever think about that?" She looks to the ground muttering something I don't understand.

"Katniss, he's not dead. We saw him. Snow isn't stupid enough to kill him because he knows how much you love him." I explained dropping my arms at my sides, hoping she has some hope for the baker boy to live. Celestia Snow would live no matter what. I learned one thing during my time in the Capital the 74th year. President Snow loved his granddaughter more than anything. "Katniss, lisen we're still in the game. Petta's still alive and so are we." My father told her wiping his nose with his sleeve. He's been struggling having to be sober or at least not have one beer a day. I've never seen him really without one and it makes me sad. Mom would be more upset that he's living such trauma. A couple hours later I meet Gale in the conference room where as soon as I get there I rushed embracing Effie in a warm hug. "Effie!" She embraced me with the same excitement. No longer wearing tons of makeup and big wigs since they aren't allowed. "I've missed you, little Victor." That brings tears to my eyes because only her and Cina called me that. Plutarch had told me of his death and it nearly broke my heart. The doors opened and I see Plutarch walk in with a woman with blonde straight hair being President Coin.

Sitting down in a chair with Gale to my right and Katniss on my left. Effie sits near Coin and Plutarch watching my father rise to his feet clasping his hands together. "Okay, let's all think of one moment where Katniss Everdeen generally moved you. Not where she made a good shot with an arrow or her dress went up in flames. But where she truly moved you." He then wiped away what was written on the large touch screen on the wall. "I hope that wasn't important." Tilting his head towards President Coin. Effie immediately raised her hand voicing. "When she volunteered for her sister." My father grinned writing it on the screen. Without a pause I reach under the table taking Katniss's hand in mine giving her a weak smile. Beeta spoke up about Rue where I sniffed with watery eyes. "When she chose Rue as an Allie as well." Everyone nodded in agreement. "You know Effie, I like you better, without all that makeup." My father suddenly spoke up messing with one of her first wigs. Pulling me from my trance I eyed Effie's reply. "Well I like you better sober." He turns back to the board then glanced over his shoulder briefly. Without thinking I give him a thumbs up discreetly, seeing him smiling. Mom would be happy that he found someone to make him happy after her lose.

"So what's the common factor in all these?" My father asked arms thrown out from his sides. Gale leans forward with his elbows on the table answering simple. "No one told her what to do." My father grinned pointing towards Plutarch and Coin explaining. "Then let's put her in the field. Shoot actual scenes instead of fake ones." Plutarch was trying with what he had but it's not enough. If they wanted her to lead a rebellion than she needs to be present during the Capitals cruelty. As horrible as it sounds it's what works. "I can't just send an untrained civilian into battle just for effect. We can't garentee her safety." Coin shakes her head no turning down the possibility. Katniss sat up putting her hands on the table leaving afterwards. "You'll never be able to garentee my safety. I'm going." Everyone just sits in silence so I stop playing with my fingers getting up to declaring to the room without a chance for disagreement. "I'm going to. Beeta can make me knives." Foosteps chased after me down the ramp and the person managed to grab my forearm. Spinning me back around I face Gale who has a look of disagreement written on his face. "Gale, I have to go. Celestia needs to know I'm alive. Plus the other districts are like us, we have to stand against the Capital." He released my arm with a heavy sigh, resting a hand to my cheek softly. "I just don't want you to get hurt. I care about you too much Y/n Abernathy." Wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him into a hug I mumble into his shirt. "I know, Gale. Believe me I know. But I'm done hiding for the rest of my life."

Comments really appreciated :)

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