Winter Tour

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It's been a few months since the games ended. Walking around in the woods snow crunching underneath my boots. My hair is in two braids again. A thick black jacket, grey pants with black boots that reach my ankles are what I'm wearing. Pulling the knife set from inside my boot I spin one around in my right hand. Raising my arm back I launch the blade into a tree a few steps away. In sticks into the bark for a few seconds but falls so I grabbed another about to try again when I heard footsteps coming from behind me. Spinning around I nearly throw the blade until the figure raised their hands up, showing themselves from behind another tree. "Hey, it's me. Don't try and kill your boyfriend now." My shoulders drop when I lowered the blade seeing its only Gale. "Sorry, babe. This is the only place I can really practice."

He leans back against a tree crossing his arms over his chest. "Practice for what exactly. The Capital loves you. So I doubt you'd go in the games." Spinning the knife in between my hands I couldn't tell him the real reason. Ever since we left the Capital I've felt someone watching me. Dad and I had agreed it was safer for Gale if he knew nothing. "I just think I should practice you know, in case." Turning my back to him I pulled my arm back throwing the knife where it actually stuck into the tree this time. Glancing over my shoulder Gale smiled watching me yank the blade out before we bended underneath the electric fence. "So do you have to go on tour with Katniss and Peeta?" He asked walking me up to the front door of the Victor's house. I had started living there since my father lives here. Shoving my hands in my pockets I reply. "Yeah the Capital has labeled me a princess. So it would be rude if I didn't." I do quotation marks with hands with a small smile.

"Well, consider this here when you get back." Gale trailed off striding up cupping my face in his hands. His lips pressed against mine slowly kissing me. Moving my hands up his chest I smiling throwing them around his neck kissing back. "I'll see you later, Hawthorne." We broke away as Katniss walked up waving to him while he leaves. She smiled at seeing me happy before we stepped into the house. "Da - Haymitch!" I catch myself and correct my words hollering to find my father passed out with beer bottles around him on the table. Scoffing I pick up one of the bottles throwing the liquid all over him. He wakes up throwing his arms around screaming having Katniss and I jump back. His hair is completely in his eyes as he shouted. "What are you doing!" Katniss responded even though I'm the one who did it. "Caneras are going to be here in an hour. If you wanted to be babbied you should have asked Peeta."

Not even a minute later Peeta comes in the room carrying some breed from his parents bakery. "Ask me what?" My father plopped back down in his chair throwing his hair around. "Ask me to wake me without giving me pneumonia!" Leaning in the doorway I lightly chuckle at his reaction. "You are a strangely dislikabke person..." To which she sits two new bottles of alcohol in front of him. "But you do have your virtues." Foosteps entered the hallway where I see Prim. I followed her into the kitchen hearing her suggest with a smile. "Can I help you pick out your outfit for the tour?" Tucking some loose hair behind my ears I simply nodded not minding her help. She doesn't go over the top like Effie. Prim rummages around in my closet pulling out a black jacket, an orange dress with some leggings. Changing my pants I slip the dress over my head, shrugging on the jacket that almost looks like it's made of leather. "So how do I look, Rose?" I twirled in front of her where she clapped her hands grinning. "Cool. Hey if you see that Capital girl could you tell her I find her pretty." I nodded hugging her quickly heading for the train.

"We'll have nothing but the best for my two victor's. Adoring parties and fans to greet you at every stop. It all needs to be-" My father mocked her tilting his glass full of alcohol in his right hand. I lightly giggle sipping from my glass with a smile. "All you need to do is give a few speechs and wave to the crowds. And enjoying your time in the spotlight. You've earned it." Katniss whipped her head up scoffing at her word choice. "By killing people!"  She shoves her chair away from the table leaving the room. Peeta goes to follow her before my father clears his throat talking to me. "So when are you going to introduce me to that boy?" I nearly choked on my drink, raising my eyebrows at him. "What. I thought you said it's better if he doesn't know?" He sipped his drink shifting in his chair seeing that we're alone now. "He deserves to know if you're trusting him with your heart. I trusted Elizabeth to raise's the right choice." The train passes some buildings meaning we are entering district 11. My whole body shakes knowing this is where Rue was from. I feel my father's freehand land over my freehand on my leg. My eyes lift up to his blue seeing he has a sadness forming in them. We didn't spend time with the little girl like Katniss did but it didn't make us feel like we lost her too.

A couple weeks after the games completed we had sat up late at night. And to my suprise he actually talked about the games when he was in them. When I started to get sleepy that night I ended up snuggling into his embrace. I didn't care about the possibility of weird looks from the others. My father and I intertwined hands about to step off the train but he holds me back whispering into my ear. "Just keep a cool head. And pretend I'm right at your side." I smiled squeezing his hand following behind our Victor's. The doors opened for rows of peacekeepers to appear lined up. I get a weird feeling in my gut glancing around me as we headed into the building to recover instructions. Yet I can't shake the feeling a certain someone is watching us very closely. Inside the Capital President Snow sat watching the video footage live from his desk. Running his fingers under his chin glaring at you and Haymitch walking side by side. He glanced to one of the peacekeepers at his door ordering them. "Get me head game maker, Plutarch Heavensbee. Tell him it's time he got back in the game. I have plans for two certain girls."

Comments really appreciated :)

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