Pieces in his Games

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Shifting awake I get rocked by the hovercraft flying to District 2. Burying my face in my knees my head is spinning in confusion because I now remember my mother. How she died, everything. Somebody sits down resting a hand on my shoulder making me look up to see Gale. "Do you still not remember..." Sniffling through tears I shake my head no to my boyfriend's question. "It's all overwhelming Gale. One moment I remember everything - and then another I can't remember why she's isn't with us - but I don't forget that we're in a war. That memory remains and it breaks me down." Gale gently pulled my head to lay against his chest wrapping his arms around me. Clutching the jacket he wears I just started crying into his shirt. I haven't seen Celestia since the day Coin tried to kill her. I don't think I could look at the little girl the same ever again. "You're dad told me something before we left. The Capital did the same thing they did to Peeta..." I finished his sentence my voice breaking as the words came out. "They turned her into a weapon to kill me!"

Landing in District 2 the leaders decided to bury the civilians in the mines hoping they would surrender. Pulling on a jacket I clipped a knife to my hip following my father who tried to give Katniss a speech Plutarch had written. Stopping in my tracks someone gets shot and she runs out until the District 2 guy holds a gun to her throat. I start to reach for my weapon but my father grabbed my wrist holding me still. Katniss bared her teeth trying to talk down the guy threatening her life. "If you want to kill me do it. Make Snow happy. I'm tired of killing his slaves for him....that's why I killed Cato. And he killed Thresh and Thresh killed Clove. It just goes around and around. And the one wins is always Snow. I am done being a piece in his game. District 12, District 2 we have no fight except the one the Capital gave us. Why are you fighting the rebels. We're family, we're neighbors." He lowered the gun letting her get to her feet to address the others around her.

"These people are not your enemy. We all have one enemy and that's Snow. He corrupts everyone and everything. He turns the best of us against each other. Stop killing for him. Tonight turn your weapons to the Capital. Turn your weapons to Snow!" Suddenly people fired off bullets to her where she dropped to the ground. The camera team cut the video off as I ran out under my father's protest. Somebody else helps me drag her back over the line until I felt blood running down my leg. Swaying on my feet I collapse into my father's arms blacking out. The next time I wake up I am laying on a hospital bed with an iv in my other arm. The flap opened where my father entered the room sitting at the foot of the bed. "Plutarch has a request for you honey. He wants to see how Celestia she'll react to seeing you now." Shifting up against the pillows I clutched my hands into fists baring my teeth. "I'm not going in a room alone with her!" He holds his hands out in front of himself calming me down. "Easy now. I already asked someone to go in the room with you, Primrose."

Pulling a sweater tightly around myself Prim and I walked down the halls with my father to the medical room. Peeta was restrained down on the bed thrashing and screaming about in his own room. Stopping outside a door I sucked in a breath starting to shake in my boots. Prim reached down taking my hand in hers giving me a weak smile. My father typed in a code causing the door to open allowing us inside. Slowly entering the room I immediately locked onto her innocent eyes. Clutching my eyes closed I paused picturing her angry eyes when we were in the tribute center. Prim squeezing my hand breaks me from my trance and back to reality. "Y/n...it's you." Celestia spoke up breaking the silence. Prim tugs me forward by my wrist waving with her freehand and a smile. "Hi I'm Prim. I have been waiting to meet you." Celestia tried to sit up but her wrist and legs are restrained like Peeta just in case. It's terrifying to know that she's like this right now but two days ago she nearly got the chance to kill me. "Do you remember what happened in the Capital, Celestia...that you tried to - to kill me?" I asked the question worried about the answer.

Celestia tilts her head down disappointed for a split second then she thrashed in the bed screaming. Yanking Prim behind me I reached around with my hand for my remembering that it was taken since I was still in medical. "You're a liar, Y/n. You're a monster who makes promises then breaks them. You said that you would come back for me but you didn't!" Prim glanced up to me slightly afraid where I banged on the door making it open. Shoving her outside I stand in the doorway feeling tears starting to fall at seeing her like this. Katniss was right that the Capital was our enemy. Because of the torture they did to Peeta and her. There's a horrible fate for anyone who goes against the Capital. "I'm sorry Celestia - I didn't - I didn't have a choice. I risked my life to save you - but I didn't think he would torture you too!" I let myself cry slamming the door closed sliding down the door. Prim bends down giving me a hug letting me sob. My father gets down on the ground too pulling me against his chest wishing that this wasn't happening to me.

Comments really appreciated

Here's an update sorry for the long wait :)

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