Victor's Home

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"Don't kill her. You'll just create a martyr." My father warned Seneca while we stood outside the arena where the game makers controlled the games. "Well, it seems we've already got one." He barks back looking over my father's shoulder at me. I tilt my head down avoiding his gaze. Rue had been killed while I was arguing with Celestia. I hate to imagine the pain her parents are feeling right now. "I hear these rumors out of District 11. This could get away from you." Seneca cuts my dad off not in the mood to talk. "What do you want?" My father rubs his hands together explaining. "You have a lot of anger out there. I know you know how to handle a mob, you've done it before. If you can't scare them, give them something to root for." Seneca raises his eyebrows in question. "Such as?" My father tilts his head back releasing a breath. "Young love."

Once we're in the hallway he grabs my arm stopping me from walking any further. "Why did he keep looking at you, sweetheart?" Lifting my gaze up to his I clutched my hands into fists. If Seneca was on his way to show Snow those pictures. We wouldn't last until the morning. The peacekeepers would probably rip us from our beds and put us in front of a firing squad. To show the district's what happens when you lie to the Capital. "I bumped into him. He was carrying pictures of us. You, me" Dad glanced to his feet backing away and running his fingers through his hair. Running my right hand up my arm I knew he was almost in tears. He spun around on his feet tears welling in his blue eyes. "Lisen to me, babygirl. We are in their woods now. So we just have to ride these last few hours out. Until the games are over. Then we go home-" I cut him off but he takes my hands in his. "But what if-" He stares deeply into my eyes shaking his head no. "Then we go home."

There are many tributes left in the games. Seneca made an announcement that if two Victor's were from the same district then they could both home together. The only team left was Katniss and Peeta. Sitting in the living quarters dad stands out on the balcony. I watched Katniss suddenly lean down to Petty who was laying on a cave floor. She slowly kissed him and I smiling picturing in my head of what it might be like to kiss Gale. In a few hours only three tributes were left. Cato from District 2 was one of them. "Dad, it's the final!" I hollered hearing him rush back inside leaning his palms on the back of the chair. The Capital had created some kind of demon dogs that trapped the trio ontop of the Cornucopia. Cato tried to kill Katniss but Peeta grabbed him. Now Cato is choking him. Katniss draws her bow at him baring her teeth. "Go on, shoot. Then we both go down and you'd win." Cato told her, blood dripping from his open wounds on his face.

"Go on, I'm dead anyway. I always was, right. I didn't know that till now." Cato admitted and I play with my fingers feeling slightly sorry for him. He was raised to kill. He didn't have another option. He couldn't know anything else in his life. Peeta moaned when Cato swung him around in his grip. "I could still do this. I can still do this. One more kill. It's the only thing I know how to do. Bringing pride to my District." My father stepped closer to the screen seeing Peeta pointing to something. Katniss fired her arrow shooting Cato in the hand. Peeta pushed him off to be eaten by the beast until she drew another arrow making his death quick. The Canon goes off as I layed back on the couch smiling. "They'll go home...they'll go home." The sun rose in the arena where the announcer came on again. "Attention, tributes, Attention. There has been a slight rule change. The previous revision, allowing for two victor's from the same district, has been revoked. Only one victor may be crowned. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in you're favor."

Haymitch's POV
A Canon went off as I dropped seeing Maysilee bleeding from her neck. She had been picked to death by some sort of pink Capital bird. I take her hand in mine releasing some tears at losing someone close to me. I didn't know her personally but we watched the others back in this place. Somehow a district 1 and I end up fighting. I slice her eye and she cuts me in the stomach with her axe. She throws her axe at my head but I dodge it having it hit the forcefeild. Right before Maysilee was killed I'd thrown a rock realizing that the edge of the field would throw it back. Dropping to my knees I groaned feeling more blood circulation out. The district one girl just smiled getting pale by the second thinking she just had to out last me. Until I heard the axe fly over my head burying itself into her skull. She fell backwards with a Canon labeling her dead. Listing my head up I released a shacky breath hearing the top of the arena opened. From that day forward I wasn't just a victor, I was a survivor.

Y/n's POV
Katniss dropped her bow opening her hand revealing some black berries. Getting to my feet I stand by my father who didn't take his eyes off the screen. If her and Peeta ate those then they would be the first pair to defy the Capital. Making the Hunger Games seems pointless. Changing our way of life forever. The pair nearly swallowed the berries but the announcer shouted through the arena. "Stop, stop, stop. Ladies and gentlemen may I present the winners of the 74th annual Hunger Games." Katniss embraced Peeta with a grin. I throw my head back cheering feeling my father pull me in for a hug. "We're going home. We're going home." He hugs me back letting me have my moment of happiness. Remembering that his family got killed because he showed them up years ago. Now Katniss and Peeta's families were in danger. Nighttime had fallen over the Capital as I stood outside holding my ring over my heart whispering to the stars. "I'm here mom. We're alive still...I miss you." Katniss and my father stepped out onto the balcony and he warned her of how dangerous things will become.

Squeezing my father's hand in mine I stepped out onto the stage with Cesar Flickrrman. The crowd got to their feet as I take a seat by our Victor's. Resting my hands on my short orange dress I waved to Celestia in the front row and to my supine she actually waved back. "So Miss L/n, shall we expect your return in the future?" Cesar asked leaning forward in his chair. Staring behind him at my father he slowly nodded his head yes with a weak smile. "Yes Cesar. I'd be honored. Celestia Snow is a delight." I replied watching the girl run up on the stage. Jumping into my lap hugging me. I wrap my arms around whispering into her ear. "We'll always be friends." The crowd all awed at the sight before we walked off stage heading for the train.

Stepping off the train station everyone in our district is smiling and cheering. My eyes scanned the crowd landing on a smiling Prim on Gale's shoulders. Without waiting another second I ran through the crowd heading for him. He sits Prim on the ground having her throw her arms around me. Bending on my knees I chuckled into her hair hugging her back in relief. "You have no idea how much I missed you, Rose." She pulls away watching my eyes drift upwards to Gale who smiles at me. "Go on, kiss him." Prim smiled when I get to my feet running up and crashing my lips onto his. At first he stumbled backwards suprised before wrapping his arms around my waist. I break the kiss resting my hands on his face. "What was that for, golden strawberry?" He slowly breathed out in labored breaths. "Gale, I have feelings for you too. I heard you before the peacekeepers pulled you away. And I don't want to waste another chance without telling you."

My arms wrapped around his neck feeling him cup mu face in his hands kissing me. My heart flutters at the feeling of his lips on mine. My father always had this wild look in his eyes where he would touch his fingers to his lips. Imagining the last time he kissed my mother or even their first kiss. The one that held everything they were feeling. In this moment it's only me and Gale. Until the crowd moved allowing my father to step forward with a grin on his face. The wind tousled his blonde hair I'm front of his eyes. "So this must be Gale." He teased and I glare at him where he bites his lip not saying anything more. I didn't want to tell Gale the whole truth yet. Everyone around us started cheering again for me to see Katniss and Peeta had their hands intertwined raised in the air smiling.

Back in the Capital President Snow stood in the game makers room. His hands resting on the railing as a guard walked up. "It's done, Sir. Seneca had some final words for you." Snow turns to face the guard unfolding the documents about you and Haymitch. "And what were they?" The guard stared back at him no expression on his face as he delivered the words. "Y/n L/n is related to one of our Victor's. She shares blood with Haymitch Abernathy." Snow turned his back to the man crumbling the files throwing them across the room. He had been shown up by him in the second quarter Quell years ago. Now he it happened again by two lovers from District 12 and by you. He wouldn't stand for it. No one would defy the Capital and get away with it. He watched the footage of you kissing Gale and so he vowed right then and there he would make you and your loved ones pay.

Comments really appreciated :)

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