Training Heart

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(Nothin' Like You by Dan + Shay)

"Gale, it's not safe to be out here." I mumbled constantly glancing over my shoulder as he leads me through the woods. My hair is in pigtails while I'm wearing a white tea shirt, grey jacket thrown over with dark brown pants and black combat boots. "Come on, keep up. We're getting close." He called out as I nearly tripped on a fallen tree where I grabbed the side of a tree near me. He had woke me up earlier than I would have liked. At first I thought something bad was happening and the next thing I knew he was telling me to climb under the electric wire fence.

I was confused as to why he had us trucking through the woods. It's strange normally he had Katniss join him during his hunting adventures. But he only carried a dagger on his belt that he hides inside the tree that she hides her bow and arrows, that he showed me. "Gale, where are we going. I'm not used to walk through the woods like you." I groaned sliding down a small hill and he holds out a hand for me that I placed mine in. He helped me up the hill where I could seeing light breaking over the hillside. Gale and I finally reached the top of it where I gasped seeing the sunrise decorating the sky with yellows and oranges. I feel tears appearing in my eyes at the sight before me.

"So what do you think, golden strawberry?" Gale questions coming to stand beside me. I take a step forward turning to look at him but I gasped slightly. "It's beautiful..." Gale is nearly pressed up against my body making me back straighten. His eyes pour into mine. We have never been this close before that makes my heart rate increase. "G - Gale..." I stuttered out feeling him tuck some hair behind my ear. His breath mixing with mine until he finally spoke. "Y/n, would you want to come here again sometime?" Tilting my head I bite my lip feeling my cheeks turning red. "We can't stay out here. If the Capital finds out we're here-" Gale leans forward where our lips might almost touch. "We have to learn to take risks in life." He smiled and I had to realize I enjoyed seeing it.

Shooting up in my bed I rest my hands to my face feeling them burning. Bending my head on my knees I groaned out slowly. This is the first time I have dreamed about Gale. It has something to do with my father wanting to know who he is. I don't know why it worries me so badly. Tossing aside the covers my bare feet hit the cold floor. Grabbing a jacket I stepped out onto the porch overlooking the city. The wind blows through my hair bringing me at some peace during the time where I have to keep watching my back always. Without thinking I start twirling my ring on my finger. "You're mother loved the stars." Whipping my head around I see my father walking up wearing a tousled blue dress shirt and black pants. His hair blows in the wind of the night sky. He slowly strolled up leaning his elbows on the ledge by my side.

"She loved the stars. She always pictured them dancing above our heads. At one moment in our life she believed that people who are no longer on the earth are watching over us...from the sky" He trailed off running his fingers through his blonde hair. Turning my head in his direction I was too curious not to ask. "Did your heart race when you were around, mother?" Father stares at me with a look I can't read exactly. His eyes start to fill with tears when he thinks of her. "You're mother, my love...consumed my everyday and my entire mind...." He wipes his nose pressing his back up against the wall clutching the wall in his hands. "Dad, are you okay?" I asked brushing hair from his face seeing his chest heaving up and down quickly. Shacking his head he sniffed away tears, though they are still visible in his bright blue eyes. "I'm sorry sweetheart, it's keep looking more and more like her. Like Maya Flower."

.....(Play the song now)......

Haymitch's POV - years before the Quarter Quell
I walked down the street seeing a girl with (H/c) that gets tousled softly in the wind. Sitting in the grass getting mud on her boots with a book and pen in her hands. Shoving my hands in my torn black jacket u stepped forward, clearing my throat feeling intrigued by her presence. "Care to tell me what is so interesting in that book?" The girl lifted her head up she tilts her down towards the ground suggesting. "Join me and I'll show you..." She trailed off waiting for my name as I sat down near her. "Haymitch, Haymitch Abernathy. And you are?" This girl stares at me beautiful (E/c) sitting her open notebook on her lap. "Maya, my name is Maya Flower."

"So am I allowed to know what you were scribbling away now?" I pressed with a playful smile that she mirrors that could light up the whole world in its darkest moments. "I was drawing the birds that flew across the sky. I believe that when you draw something you must be able to make the picture say a thousand words." She holds up her book where I could see two birds drawn flying up into the sky and away from the ground. "Take these birds for example. They flew off in search of their own adventure without a care. But they're so connected by how they follow in the same step." Maya gets to her feet the wind catching her blue dress, pulling me to my feet dragging me through the streets. "Maya, where are we going?" I questioned until we climbed up onto the roof of an abandoned building that when you reach the top I could see the trees decorated in orange and red leaves.

Glancing over to Maya I watched a grin plaster on her face. I can't explain why I feel my heart beating faster in my chest. We had only just met and yet I feel like I've known her forever. Looking at her now I remember recognizing her in school, but never pictured being around her like this. "So what does this sense of a adventurous connection have to do with us. What role does it have, Maya?" I slowly questioned where she scoots closer to me, resting her hands on my shoulders. Her eyes lock onto mine as my breath hitches in my throat, with my cheeks turning red. "The role is how does this feel for you, Haymitch..." She closed the gap pressing her lips onto mine. My brain is everywhere but the only thing I can manage to do is cup her face in my hands kissing her.

She wrapped her arms around my neck smiling against my lips until we break for air, resting our foreheads against each other. "Hay....I can't deny whatever it is I feel for you." I released a breath at the nickname she created. "M...Maya, we shouldn't create attachments. We don't live in a world of love." I mumbled fearing that if my name or hers ever got drawn I don't think I could face the pain of saying goodbye. "So you don't feel the same?" She raised her voice pulling away from me, tears welling in her eyes. "I didn't say that-" I tried to correct her but she throws her hands up, slight anger in her tone. "Yet you said we shouldn't form attachments. Which means you don't-" I cut her off crashing my lips onto hers feeling her gasp. Her hands tangled themselves in my blonde hair until I broke the kiss. "My girl, I care about you too...I'm just afraid to give my heart away." Maya yanks me forward by my shirt kissing me deeply. "Then let's be scared together and face the unknown."

Y/n's mothers name is now revealed.

Comments really appreciated :)

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