Stage Performance

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I feel like my heart is beating out of my chest slipping into the designer dress Cinna had made for me. Turning around I face three large mirrors with bright lights turned on. Katniss was getting dressed in a wedding dress to appeal to the lie that her and Peeta were engaged. Brushing my fingers down the dress like it is made of feathers I suck in a breath. The fabric is a little poofy and colored gold where it goes down to my knees. My hair is curled with some of it twisted into a braid going down my back. Cinna rests his hand under his chin double checking over my appearance. "Gold may not be your district's color. But it suits you, little Victor."

"Why did you call me that. I am not a victor..." I raise a brow at his choice of words turning in the dress. Cinna stepped up tucking some hair behind my ear. "You are special. You are the daughter of the only victor from District twelve." Foosteps approached behind me so I glanced over my shoulder seeing its my father dressed in a grey long sleeve shirt and black pants. He has had hands stuck in his pocket but suddenly runs a hand over his mouth showing some tears. "Y/n, you're looking more like your mother...everyday." I smile running my hands through my hair knowing that it's time for the interviews to start. I'm not afraid of going on the stage and answering questions like I'm happy to be here. It's tomorrow that I'm horrified for.

My father stepped up looping his arm through mine helping me down the stairs. Everyone else is lined up District 1 all the way to our district. He leaned over to whisper in my ear. "These victor's are angry, sweetheart. They'll say anything to call off the games. I told Katniss and Peeta. Do the same..." Turning my head I shrug my shoulders at him. "And say what?" He moves his arm from mine lifting his gaze towards a TV screen showing the crowd. Right in front I see Celestia smiling when Finnick walked on stage. Every girl started cheering about seeing him on television again. I part my lips gazing up into my father's eyes understanding what he didn't think was safe to say aloud. I squeeze his right hand in mine mumbling under my breath. "Use one of their own against them." Katniss stepped out onto the stage in her feathered white wedding dress and Cesar has to do a double take totally awe struck by the dress.

She does her famous twirl turning the white dress into a black one that looks like a bird. To which she clarified it was a Mockingjay representation of the golden pin she has. Cinna takes a bow sitting beside my father in the crowd. A peacekeeper comes and grabbed my arm leading me to the stairs. I suck in a deep breath hearing Cesar giving me a grand introduction. "Ladies and gentlemen I think I can speak for everyone here tonight that this girl is near and dear to our hearts. The girl that has almost become a friend to us beside our President's girl Celestia Snow. Here she is Y/n Abernathy!" The doors opened and I hear clapping as I'm slightly blinded by the lights. Cesar offers me his hand to steady me once I get my eyes to adjust to my surroundings.

"I must say my dear that color does suit you." He compliment and I put on the fake smile Finnick taught me. "Thank you, Cesar. I must say that little Celestia wore the color one day so I thought why don't I model it myself." I do a little twirl hearing the crowd clapping. Cesar clapped his hands laughing in excitement at my words. He pointed the microphone at me getting a more serious face. "So how do you think you'll favor in these games. President Snow certainly has given us quite a show to expect?" I suck in a breath glancing out of the corner of my eye to my father. He runs his right hand over his mouth where I catch a ring that could almost match the one on my necklace he said was from my mother. Play your part. Play the girl that will miss the Capital granddaughter.

Turning my focus back to Cesar I intertwined my hands together in front of me answering his question with some sadness in my tone. "Well Cesar, I must say it will be hard to not know if I'll ever get to see our darling Celestia again. She and I have become close. I'd hate to leave her without a friend." The crowd all dropped their smiles giving me the reaction we were hoping for. Not even a spilt second later some people gasped making me have to squint my eyes seeing the three fingers sign being raised by Celestia herself. Soon after more people joined in where I bite my lip staring at my father who tries to hold back the shock on his lips. I get a sick feeling in my stomach knowing Snow won't be happy about it. It's the possible start of a rebellion of our government.

Peeta came to take my place on stage and I can feel Finnick staring at me. He winks at me then tilts his head towards the crowd to my father. I knit my eyebrows together in confusion. It was like he was trying to tell me a secret code or something that they made. "If it weren't for the baby." I whip my head around to hear Peeta's current words. Everyone in the crowd started jumping up and yelling to call off the games. My gaze stayed trained on my father who pointed the tip of his beer bottle to Peeta with a smirk meaning he may just have ended the games for this year. I intertwined my hand with Katniss's and Peeta takes my other having the other tributes join hands until the whole room went dark.

Comments really appreciated :)

Here comes the Games!!!

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