The New Mentors

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"Ladies and Gentlemen may I present the Victor's of the 74th annual Hunger Games. Katniss Everdeeen and Peeta Mellark!" The mayor of District 11 announced as the peacekeepers outside opened the doors allowing them through. I stand behind him seeing the faces of Rue's family nearly already in tears. Twisting the fabric of my shirt the pair stepped up to the microphone with Effie's prepared cards to stick too. Peeta starts to read the cards but puts them down thinking of his own words to honor their fallen citizens. He turned to leave but Katniss stepped up to the microphone sucking in a breath. "I just wanted to say that I didn't know Thresh. I only spoke to him once. He could've killed me and instead he showed me mircey. That's a debt I'll never be able to repay..." She trailed off looking to Rue's poster. "I did know Rue. She wasn't just my Allie, she was was my friend. I see her in the flowers that grow in the medow outside my house. I hear her mockingly song. I see her in my sister Prim. Who was too young, too gentle, and I couldn't save her...I'm sorry."

An elderly man raises three fingers in the air singing the mockingly song. Seconds after the rest of the crowd followed. The peacekeepers draw their weapons as I whipped my head Peeta's direction. Katniss tried to walk forward seeing them pulling the man from the crowd, but two peacekeepers hold her back. I started running forward but a peacekeepers grabbed me around the waist holding me back. I thrash around seeing the other two put the man on his feet in front of the people of his district. Peeta gets shoved inside as I'm pulled inside. Katniss is the last one thrown inside seeing a gun get drawn. Gunfire is heard. Katniss started to charge back outside but my father grabs her. She thrashed against him where he has to yell at her, tightening his grip around her waist. "Stop it, stop, stop it!" I run forward but a peacekeepers grabs my arms where I try kicking him but he throws me to the floor. My father yanks me up by my right arm warning me. "Come on, don't do that."

"You two have a very simple task." He grumbled dragging us up the stairs and into a closed room. Yanking my arm from his I huffed bawling my hands into fists wanting to punch a dang peacekeepers right now. "Snow came to see me. He's worried about rebellion in the district's. He says they don't believe our love story." Katniss mumbled in a shacky breath. "So he wants you to make them believe it?" My father questioned before Peeta raised his voice at her. "You should've told me that before I tried to go out there and give people their money!" She whipped her head to him tears welling in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do. He threatened to kill my family-" He cuts her off shouting directly in her face. "Well I have family too. Okay, people that I need to protect!" My father throws his hands up, throwing his hair around. "What about them. Who protects them!" He brushes his hair behind his ear with his left hand. "Katniss, what were you thinking?" Katniss started crying, her voice shaking as she spoke to him. "I was thinking about Rue. Haymitch please, please, please just help me get through this trip. Just help us get through this..."

He snapped his fingers at her words. "This trip, girl wake up. This trip doesn't end when you get back home. You never get off this train. You two are mentors now. That means that every year they're gonna drag you out and broadcast the details of your romance. Every year your private life becomes there's. From now on your job is to be a distraction. So people forget what the real problems are." Peeta looks to him for advice like in the games. "So what do we do?" He turned to the baker boy explaining. "You're gonna smile. You're gonna read the cards that Effie gives you. And you're gonna live a happily ever after." Katniss sniffed shaking her head yes right when I see the peacekeepers dragging the elderly dead man off somewhere. I croaked out in tears running straight for my father sobbing. "Daddy..." He instantly wrapped his arms around me. Running one of his hands through my hair until Peeta broke his comforting hug with Katniss. "What a second. Did you just say, daddy?" My father eyed the boy as I bury my face in his shirt, staining it with my tears not caring that they didn't know. "We'll explain on the train..." He responded focusing back on me, brushing his fingers through my hair. "Sssh it's going to be okay. I'm here, sweetheart." He whispers into my ear wishing this wasn't the life you had to live with.

The train zoomed down the track as I stepped into the living room wearing a blue sweatshirt and grey pants. My hair wavy from being in braids all day. Peeta and Katniss are sitting on the long couch watching me sit down in a side chair beside my father. He sits his drink down on the table in front of the four of us slowly breathing out. "I'm not sure how to put this..." Katniss crossed her arm over her chest leaning back on the couch. "How about the fact that you lied to the both of us for our whole lives. I mean come on Y/n, you lied to Prim and your supposed to be her best friend." My gaze falls to my feet playing with my fingers. Peeta points his index finger at us. "Katniss, wait a second. We shouldn't judge them without knowing the whole story." My father gave him a small smile as we then explained everything to them until it got really late where they went to bed. Laying on my bed with my hands behind my head the door slid open having my father walk in. I scoot over having him lay down beside me silence filled the room until I broke it.

"How did you feel when you're family was...killed?" I mumbled staring up at the ceiling with the train hitting the tracks. He shifted holding himself up by his left elbow. "I don't think you should know about that honey." I rolled over staring into his eyes. "I wanna know about mon...will Katniss and Peeta be able to handle what you went through?" He sighs heavily running his other hand through his hair. "I'll tell you more about your mother tomorrow. For now I just want to keep you safe." I simply nodded laying my head on his chest where he draped an arm over. I closed my eyes hoping that I wouldn't dream of the district 11 guy getting shot right in front of me. Haymitch stared down at you as you fell asleep. He wasn't sure how or if he would ever have the strength to tell you about his family or about your mother. No matter how many years went by for him it was still a constant nightmare. He reaches into his pocket revealing a small knife, clutching it underneath the blankets after he pulled them over the two of you. "Rest easy Maya, my love. I'll never leave her side." He mumbled in a yawn trying to sleep some even though it wouldn't last through the whole night.

Hi readers, I've got a question. Should they're be more flashbacks of a young Haymitch?

Comments really appreciated :)

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