Keepers not Peaceful

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I thought returning home would make things better but that isn't the case. The victor tour only got worse. Peeta and Katniss are acting like they are engaged to please Snow and the district's from rioting. Walking through the market I find Gale trading some stuff to a vendor so I leaned over grinning. "Guess who, Hawthorne." He turned to face me instantly pulling me in for a hug. Wrapping my arms his neck I smiled enjoying being able to be in arms again. Yet my father's words pass through my mind "He deserves to know if you're trusting him with your heart" he had said on the train. I slightly pull away whispering up at him. "We need to talk alone." He nodded and we sneak away out to the electric fence. Bending underneath it and running out into the woods to a valley. My feet crunch snow where I lean my back against a tree trunk. He shoves his hands in his pockets eyeing me. "So what did you want to talk about, Y/n." Avoiding his gaze for a few seconds I spoke under my breath knowing he'd still hear me. "I've been lieing to you, Gale."

"How have you been lieing to me, baby?" He asked staring down at me since I'm a little shorter then him. Running my fingers through my hair I take some deep breaths. "I've been lieing about who my parents really are...I'm a Victor's Daughter." Gale shakes his head not quite understanding my words. "What does that mean?" I opened my mouth to respond but twigs snapped behind us. Whipping my head around I see Katniss running towards us clearly in a slight panic. "There you two are. I need to talk with you." Gale stepped up beside me eyeing his best friend. "What's wrong, Katnip?" She runs her hands through her hair, fear written all over. "I saw something while on tour. In this closed room...there were rioting in the streets and the people were..." Gale pressed her to finish her sentence. "What, the people were what?" Katniss throws her hands up raising her voice. "They were fighting back!" Parting my lips covering it with my hands. The riots Snow is worried about are coming true. The Capital will probably be watching the district's even closer then ever before. "It's already happening..."

Gale mumbled under his breath making me raise my brows at his words. Katniss glanced my direction when I replied. "Gale, what do you know?" He turned to face me his tone turning into a passionate manner. "You haven't heard people. They're talking in the mines, they wanna fight. You given people hope, Katniss. A chance to change things. They just have to be brave enough to take it." She shakes her head at him not wanting any part of this. He had told me when they were out in the woods one morning she thought the animal she had shot was actually a human. Where she was still stuck in the dang arena. "I can't help anyone. I don't want them looking to me-" He cuts her off throwing his arms up at her not wanting to change things. "So that's it you're just doing nothing. Let the Capital boss us around, work like slaves and send kids off to the Reaping!" Rolling my eyes I feel my heart racing at the thought of Snow coming after Gale or my father.

"Gale, I get what you're saying but that's crazy. You can't rebel." He spun around scoffing at my words. "Oh really and why's that?" Shacking my head I stare into his eyes trying to not picture him being dragged away like the elderly guy from District 11. "Because I don't want to lose you like my father lost his family!" He blinked for a few seconds hearing trucks rolling up towards town. "Y/n, you said you're father was dead.." Stomping up to him I shouted through tears. "That was a lie. My actual father is a victor of the games, Haymitch Abernathy!" Gale started to respond but Katniss dropped on her knees. She yanks us down where we see peacekeepers trucks rolling in. We run back to the town seeing everything in the shops get set on fire. People are running from the peacekeepers until one of them shoved a woman into the ground harshly, drawing a wiping stick from their belt. Gale runs forward tackling them to the ground only to get pulled to his feet by two more. The general gets to his feet glaring at Gale dragging him into the square of District 12.

Chasing after them I see a crowd forming when the general ties Gale up onto a wiping post. Foosteps approached me seeking its my father. "What's going on?" I don't wait to answer him instead I run towards the post with Katniss following me. The general raised his hand holding the wipe where I jump up grabbing his wrist. He tried pulling me off but I didn't loosen my grip until he punches me in the gut. "Ugh, Gale!" I grunted falling beside him on the ground. The general throws the wip to strike me so I closed my eyes tightly but someone else groaned falling down next to me. Opening my eyes I saw its Katniss who winced with a mark across her face nearly underneath her eye. "Y/n - Katniss, it's okay. Just go, it's okay." Gale breaths out gasping for air where I noticed the harsh whipped marks on his back. Forcing myself to my feet I stand in front of him, bawling my hands into fists. The general raised his arm smacking me across the face with the wip. Grabbing my burning cheek he draws his gun when Katniss comes to my side, protecting Gale like I was.

"Woah, woah." My father entered the square holding his hands up. "Get out of my way!" Stepping in front of us before Peeta came beside him. He instantly shoved him behind him trying to stop the general from shooting any of us. "Look commander your new here. Trust me I'm trying to help you. I'm Haymitch, you recognize her. Katniss Everdeeen, darling of the Capital." The general rolled his eyes aiming his gun at me while I still felt my cheek burning. "She interfered with a peacekeeper. Both of them actually!" My father shakes his head not daring to look back at me since we're probably on camera. "I never said they were smart. Look you've already got a couple of lashes in-" He scoffed glaring at me. "That's not enough. This one is an agitator!" My father holds his arms up guarding me with his body. "You sure Snow wants three dead Victor's because that's what we're looking at. It's bad enough you marked up her face on the eve of the big winning. Let it go and we will too." The general lowered his gun letting us unhook Gale. Helping him to the Everdeeen's house to treat his wounds. They're called peacekeepers but they're aren't very peaceful.

Comments really appreciated :)

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