Difficult Hellos/Goodbyes

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Watch over our presidents granddaughter.
I'm going to the Capital.
I can't get my head around the fact that I will most likely die the second I enter the Capital. People have been killed or had their tongues removed from doing things the leaders didn't like. And it wouldn't just be me and my father who pay the price but my mother Elizabeth as well. Guards throw me in a room before my mother runs in hugging me tightly. Throwing my arms around her I released tears. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry you ever got involved in this." She broke the hug kissing my forehead with a weak smile crying herself. "I'm not sweetheart. Raising you as my own was the best decision I ever made." Running my hands through my hair I feel my heart racing against my chest. "You won't be saying that when the Capital wants you dead!" She shakes her head taking my hands in hers gently. "Nonsense, the choice I made was for your mother. And I know she would've loved to watch you grow up. Your father and I raised you in memory of your mother." I throw my arms around her hugging her for possibly the last time as a guard removed her from the room.

The door bursts open again and Prim runs into my chest crying. "Y/n, I'm sorry I got you in trouble." I bend down on my knees wrapping my arms around her into a tight hug. "Oh Prim, it's not your fault." Her mother let's tears slip having to say goodbye to one of her children. Prim broke the hug and I wipe away my tears whispering to her. "Can you do something for me, rose?" She simply nodded as I rest my hands on her shoulders. "I need you to go see my mom everyday. Talk with her, show her your cat. Just be around her for me." She hugs me again before the guards shoving them outside the room. The door opened a third time and Gale suddenly pulled me into his chest hearing me sniffing. "I'm sorry, I'm so confused why is this happening. They've never taken three people to the Capital like this before?" He questioned staring down at me. It's because I'm lying about who I really am.

"I don't know. But Gale I -" I cut myself off unsure if I should just tell him how I feel in case I don't come back. But I chicken out stuttering instead. "Take care of my mother. She's the only family I've got...." He cuts me off pulling me into his chest. I bury my head in his chest feeling him resting his chin ontop of my head. His arms are secured around me trying to be strong about his two girls leaving. What he was afraid to tell you was that he had started to develop a crush on you. He believed that he would only love Katniss, but over your lives he saw something in you. You had this kindness and innocence like Prim, but he could see anger in your eyes if someone ever tried to hurt you. "Y/n, lisen to me. Don't let them get in your head. Keep your guard up-" The guard slammed open the door grabbing Gale's shoulder where he blurted out before my hand slipped from his. "I love you!" My mouth hangs open as I released resting my hands over my mouth when the door slammed shut. He loves me. I'll never get to tell him...that I love him too. Why is this happening to me.

Guards escorted the three of us onto the train in the clothes we wore to the Reaping. Twisting the fabric of my dress I spin the ring my father sent me. Looking out the window all you can see is miles of green and trees off in the distance. Gale once spoke of what he would do if he could just run off into the woods and never look back. He also mentioned that he would have kids if he didn't live in our world. Resting my chin in the palm of my left hand I wonder if my mother ever felt that way too. Or did she never want to have me at all. Peeta and Katniss sit beside each other as I heard the door slide open. Lifting my head up I sucked in a gasp seeing my father walk in, a drink glass in his hands. I could tell he was half hungover when he stumbled over looking for more ice.

"Care for a drink, sweetheart?" He suddenly spoke pointing his finger at me. Elizabeth told me when I was old enough that he drinks to ease the pain of the people he had to kill during the games. This isn't my first time I've seen his hair knotted or where he can't walk straight sometimes. I shake my head no before he spun on his feet waving for me to follow. Peeta stared at me confused and Katniss just bites her lip annoyed with him already. Pushing myself up from my chair I walked forward hating the door closed behind me. Knocking on the first closed door it opened before he smiling pouring himself another drink with ice. Stepping into the room slowly I breathe out tears in my eyes like I'm seeing him for the first time. "Dad?" He sits his drink down shacking his head making his hair more of a mess then it already was. "Y/n!" He croaked out in tears running forward towards me with open arms.

Rushing forward I fling my arms around his neck hitting his chest hard. But he has the same amount of force wrapping his arms around my waist. Burying his head into my hair as I let tears come out. "I missed you, dad." He pulls back planting a kiss to my forehead smiling. "Me too baby girl. I promise you when you turn 18. I'll wisk you off to the Capital with me." Laying my head on his chest I slowly breathed him in. He rests his chin ontop of my head blinking through tears. "Do they know about us?" Tilting my head up to his I shook my head no slowly. "Nobody knows...dad, how long do we have to live like this for?" He sighs bending his head down running his fingers through his hair. "I have no clue. But don't you worry I have friends in the Capital. I'll do everything I can to make sure we're not separated any longer." I hug him again weakly smiling being able to embrace him after all these years.

Comments really appreciated :)

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