President's Girl

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Since not much is known about Snow's granddaughter I'm going to instead be making up about how she would react to certain things. I hope you enjoy what I'm writing.

Guards banged on my door earlier this morning escorting me out of the tribute center. Putting some of my hair up with a small clip I throw on a long sleeve Grey tea shirt and some black leggings. Tying some old combat boots finally following them. Slipping the ring back on my finger I can feel my stomach turning in knots of tons of nervousness. The guards opened a set of large wooden doors letting me step inside having them close the doors immediately behind me. "I thought it was best I speak with you alone first Ms. L/n." Whipping my head around I sucked a lump in my throat hearing the voice of our President Snow. He is very old with a white beard, a white rose clipped to his black suit. He sits at his desk in front of the large window as my eyes scanned over the room. "President Snow..." I curtsye to him but he raised his hand instructing me to have a seat near him. "Please sit my dear."

Lowering myself into the chair I instantly noticed it is way more comfortable than anything we have in the districts. The amount of food I saw on the train was enough to make me throw up at how much it is probably thrown away. District 12 is the lowest district now that District 13 was destroyed years ago by the Capital. Everyone back home is nearly starving to death. "Have you been told why you're name was called on the Reaping day?" Snow suddenly breaks me from my thoughts making me look into his eyes shacking my head no. "The only thing I know is that it has something to do with your granddaughter, sir." He leans forward on his desk to be closer to me. "Yes indeed, my dear. I saw you comfort Ms. Everdeeen's sister. And I just got this sense about you." A sense that I'm hiding something. A sense that you'll need to kill me and my father because we lied to you.

"A good sense I hope." I mumbled under my breath hearing the doors open again. Turning around in the chair the same tow guards closed the doors behind themselves. Before me stands a girl that looked to be Prim's age. She has brown hair that falls over her shoulders. Wearing a simple Capital dress and some nice shoes. She holds her hands in front of her lightly smiling. "My darling, I'd like you to meet someone." Snow waved his right hand directing her to walk forward. He gets to his feet walking around to rest his hands on the girls shoulders. "This is Y/n L/n from District 12. She will be watching over you while I'm busy with preparing for the games." The girl waved at me when I raised to my feet sticking my hand out for her. She glances to her grandfather but shakes my hand, introducing herself. "Hi Y/n, I'm Celestia Snow."

Snow left the room a few minutes later and I strolled the halls with his girl. I could read his body language when he rested his hands on her. She's clearly very important to him which makes me even more nervous than I already am. "So Y/n, what are the Districts like?" Whipping my head down at her I nearly had to do a double take at her question. "Why would you want to know that, Ms. Snow?" She stopped staring up at me. "I've spent my entire life here. My grandpa never tells me about the rest of the world." Glancing up towards the ceiling I bite my lip debating on how much I should tell her. Living in the Capital she's basically royalty whereas everyone in the districts are living poor. The lower ones that is. "I'm not sure how much your grandfather would want you knowing." She puts her hands together stepping in front of me using puppy dog eyes. "Please, I won't tell if that's what you're afraid of."

"Fine, but do you have a favorite food we could go get?" I raised a brow before she grabbed my hand dragging me through the decorated hallways. She monovers through this place so easily where I'm stunned because to me it's a massive maze. Going up and down some stairs having us finally end up in a huge kitchen. "My favorite is some strawberry cheesecake. How about you?" Celestia asked opening a fridge pulling out a plate sitting it down on the table. The calming scent fills my nose creating a smile on my face. I pick up the desert taking a bite out of it moaning in the sweet taste. Celestia ate some mirroring my reaction. "So the thing you should know about the districts, well mine at least is. We don't have as much food as you do. Or clothes, basically everything." She sat her piece down sliding the plate towards me. "Here then you can have my pieces."

Raising my hands up I try to decline tossing my hair over my left shoulder. "No I can't do that, Celestia." She slides it towards me more and I glanced down to my stomach hearing it grumble lightly. "That's horrible. Please have mine. It's the least I can do." For a few moments I just stared in awe. Scratching my head it hards to wrap my head that she is related to our President who thinks that sending people to kill one another in an arena is okay. Celestia and I spent hours playing games in the kitchen until the sun was setting where she had to go to bed. Opening the tribute door seeing most of the lights are off. Removing my jacket I drop it on the couch seeing someone sitting in front of the fireplace. "How was she?" I rounded the couch seeing my father holding a whiskey glass in his left hand.

"She was...too innocent.." I slumped down beside him resting a hand I groaned. My father turned his head staring in my direction. "Do you want to talk about?" Turning my head I mumbled staring into the burning fire that is the only thing really providing the room with light. "Katniss impressed the judges today. She got an 11 and Peeta got an 8." He mentioned today that it was the day when the tributes be tested by there skills. Bringing them much closer to the day they would be dropped into an arena to kill. "Gale was right. She'll most likely win these games..." Bending my head down I rest my elbows on my knees, mumbling under my breath with a heavy sigh. My father's voice makes my cheeks turn red when he leans towards me, holding his drink in his hands confusion written on his face. "Who's Gale?" Oh snap now I've done it. How is he going to react to me liking a boy.

So Haymitch will learn about Gale

Comments really appreciated :)

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