Chapter 2

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- Misunderstood -

Science is the only major he could have ever taken, calculations, percentages, all things that most people avoid are instead his strong point. Despite this, Nathan will always choose theory over practice, after all, why read how to do an experiment when you can do the experiment? It is with this conviction that Nathan gets the necessary supplies for his experiments in the middle of the first year. No one understands his fun and interest in this hobby, which is mainly based on the creation of explosives, more or less dangerous, the only one who has never judged him for this is Destiny, they met in the part of the garden where access is forbidden, Nathan was just trying out one of his "creatures" as he calls them. Since then they have been increasingly close until they became best friends. This hobby for Nathan is a way to escape from reality, this is the most important common point he has with Destiny. His family situation is not the best either, his father left his mother when she was pregnant with him, getting by without anyone's help was really hard, but she never threw in the towel for the sake of his son. Nathan loves her dearly and does everything he can to help her and not give her any more trouble, he does a lot of housework as his mother spends most of the day at work, it's the only way they can survive. At the same time, however, Nathan spends a lot of time out of the house, he feels almost oppressed if he stays too long within those walls. In Destiny he has found the ideal adventure companion, someone who would not judge him for his quirks and who makes him feel comfortable. When Audrey also joined them at first he didn't like it, he saw her as an interloper, but after knowing her story he accepted her completely. He even had a half crush on her, but nothing serious, what he feels for her now is just great affection and sympathy.


Nathan meets Destiny on his way out of the house, they live on the same street even though their houses are quite far apart. When they arrive at school they join Audrey in the abandoned garden area, they chat for a while before entering the classroom.

The school day passed slowly, the only time he had to relax was during chemistry class where they practiced, Nathan would spend the whole day doing experiments, when the teacher invited the students to come closer to the table to see better he didn't leave room for anyone except Destiny, the only one with whom he can and is happy to share his passion.

On the way out he says goodbye to the two girls, usually he goes home with Destiny but this time he will make a little detour to go get some things he needs for a new explosive he is designing. He comes out of the store with the necessary, heading towards the road home he notices a girl who is running like lightning, with tears in her eyes, he immediately recognizes his friend and decides to follow her worried about what might have happened to her.



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- Nathan King -

Hello everyone! He's my second oc. Until chapter 5 there will be character introductions, I hope you enjoy getting to know them and if you want to know more follow me on Instagram!
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