Chapter 31

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- Killer -



The two friends arrived at the intersection, they think the only place Audrey can be found is in the decadent part of town

"let's hurry, i have a bad feeling about this"
Affirms Destiny starting to walk quickly, so far her sixth sense has never been wrong, but she strongly hopes this is the first time

"Listen let's split up it will be quicker"
Nathan proposes

"okay whoever finds her first calls the other one"
The two split up and continue their search, after ten minutes Destiny's phone starts ringing

"Nath did you find her?"
"yes... C... Come here... an ambulance"
Nathan's voice is trembling, he can barely utter the words

"An ambulance!?... Whatever i'll be right there. Where are you?"
Nathan gives her directions as best he can, Destiny starts running as she calls for the ambulance. The wolf arrives to the two friends, the scene in front of her is chilling

"A... Au... Audrey"
Tears begin to fall from her eyes

"I'm trying to stop the bleeding but the blood won't stop coming out"
Around Audrey there is a pool of blood that keeps getting larger and larger, even Nathan is covered in it from his legs to his arms

"I... I help you"
Destiny rests her hands shaking like leaves on Audrey's wound, the girl seems unconscious. The blood continues to gush despite the efforts of the two

"She's still breathing, but she has a weak pulse"
Explains Nathan who fortunately had decided to pay attention during the first aid course held at school some time ago

"If she continues like this she will bleed to death!"
Destiny cries in despair

"I know... but... there's nothing we can do but wait and try to stop the bleeding!"
Exclaims Nathan equally in shock.

* Ninoo ninooo *

"It's the ambulance, thank god!"
Exclaims Destiny motioning for the boy to continue to keep pressure on the wound as she goes to meet the rescuers

"we're here come on!"

The rescuers bring Audrey into the ambulance putting her on a stretcher, the car speeds off to the only hospital in their town, meanwhile Destiny notifies Audrey's parents and soon after her own.


Both Audrey's and Destiny and Nathan's family have arrived at the hospital. Audrey's parents rush to the reception desk to ask for their daughter after getting the information they immediately head to her followed by the other families, shortly after arriving at the right ward a doctor approaches them having been informed of their arrival.

"Are you Mr. and Mrs. Abbott?"

"yes we are, how is our daughter!?"

"she really lost a lot of blood but we were able to close the wound. She is under observation and no visitors are allowed at this time. I'm sorry"

"what do you mean? We want to see our daughter!"
Both parents exclaim in unison

"I understand completely but she needs to rest and we need to make sure that she is definitely out of danger"
The doctor explained

"if you want you can stay for the night, there is a free room, usually access is for staff only but we can make an exception"

"yes we are staying here"
Audrey's parents turn to the others

"if we can we want to stay here too"
Affirm Destiny and Nathan, the parents on the other hand will be back the next day.


It's morning, neither Mr. and Mrs. Abbott nor the two friends have been able to sleep a wink, the anguish is too much, they grab something to eat at the hospital cafeteria, even if the hunger is almost completely absent, and return to the waiting room, in the meantime the parents of the wolf and the alchemist have arrived.

"Mr. and Mrs. Abbott"
The same doctor from yesterday approaches the group

"your daughter is officially out of danger"

"ohh thank goodness"
Says the mother who drops a few tears as she hugs her husband.

Destiny and Nathan also let a few tears escape, but at the same time a smile makes its way onto their faces and those of their parents who breathe a sigh of relief.

"Can we see her?"
Asks the girl's father

"I'll be back in a few minutes, and then you can see her"
After 20 minutes finally the doctor makes his appearance and accompanies Mr. and Mrs. Abbott to Audrey

"There's something I need to tell you before you come in"
Says the doctor with his hand on the doorknob of the room turning to the two of them

The two parents ask

"your daughter hasn't opened her eyes yet"

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