Chapter 41

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- No us -

Despite her still trembling legs Jennifer arrives in the decadent part of town, she is not so lucky to find Destiny on the first shot so she starts wandering around the town unknown to her without obviously knowing where to go.


"See you tomorrow at school sis"
Destiny spent the day at Audrey's house, she helped her with her homework a little then they got to chatting and playing uno, the only game Audrey feels like a god at and Destiny enjoys seeing her all excited when she wins.

Audrey greets Destiny hugging her

The wolf starts to head home


The girl seems to hear someone calling to her in the distance but she doesn't give them much thought and keeps on walking

This time the voice is much closer and sharper

"Destiny thank god, I finally found you"

"Jennifer? What the hell are you doing here?"
Destiny asks confused and surprised, turning completely around to face the other

"What kind of question is that? I was looking for you silly"
The blonde answered with a faded smile, trying to hide the breathlessness caused by the run and especially the fear she had previously experienced

The wolf asked suspiciously

"You're asking really silly questions today you know that? Ahah because I wanted to see you for what else?"
She explains trying to get closer but Destiny seems to be trying to keep some distance

"Why are you walking away?"

"Look who's talking"
Destiny says dryly looking at the queen crookedly


"What do you want anyway? I have to get home"


"by today"
Begs the impatient wolf

"that's not easy to say give me a moment aha"
Jennifer says with a nervous laugh as she fiddles with a lock of hair.

After a few seconds she looks up and takes one big step towards Destiny preventing her from backing away, greatly shortening the distance the wolf had worked so hard to create

"I love you"
The queen speaks probably the hardest words to say to someone in a tone so calm that it surprises even herself

Destiny asks in shock

"I've always loved you... I was just too afraid to admit it to myself"

"I'm sorry... But I don't believe you"


"because you can't dump me three times telling me that we can't be together and then suddenly say such a thing"
Explains the wolf with disappointment

"do you think this was easy for me?"

"You could have trusted me, I would have never forced you to do something you weren't ready for.... But at least you could be honest"

"Look, i panicked, okay? You have no idea what it's like to be the centre of attention all the time and everything you do becomes public. You don't know what it's like to have to deal with people's constant judgement!"
Jennifer blurts out her fears

"I do know! I know what it's like to be under the magnifying glass all the time, I know what it's like to be judged. What do you think? That my life is all peaches and cream? You have no idea what I've been through"
Destiny answers angrily

"But now we have plenty of time to get to know each other"
Jennifer says hopefully

"No Jennifer... We had"

"what do you mean?"

"I mean I have a girlfriend, her name is Zoe Knox maybe you know her"
Says the last part Destiny ironically

"But... But... I didn't think it was serious"

"What the hell are you talking about? Of course it's serious"

"but I... I thought you got involved with her just to... For"
Jennifer continues to stammer all her beliefs are slowly crumbling before her eyes

"For what?"
Destiny asks inquisitively, not understanding what the other one is getting at

"To... Forget. about. Me."
The blonde pronounces the words in pieces and in a very low voice, so much so that Destiny can hardly hear her despite the fact that they are very close to each other

"you're right"
The wolf says dryly

Jennifer lifts her previously downward facing head not believing her ears

"You're right i started dating her to forget about you"


"for like the first ten minutes"
Destiny stops her in a cold tone of voice

"so... You don't feel anything for me anymore...?"
The queen asks in a trembling voice

"I'm sorry it turned out this way.... But you're in the past now, along with the feelings I had for you"
The wolf says with a slightly sad tone

"I don't believe it... You... You can't. YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS"
From a whisper Jennifer's voice rises in a desperate scream

"you were the one who leave me and not just once, but many times. So many times you had the chance to reconsider and at least try to be with me, but you threw all those chances away and it's all your fault... IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT BECAUSE I TRIED TO BE WITH YOU"
Destiny who tried to keep a calm tone erupts in a moment hearing the other's words

"but... But I love you!"
Shouts the queen through tears

"that's not love Jennifer"

"then what is this pain that destroys me!?"
Jennifer shouts again with broken breath, her face completely covered in tears

"it's just anger Jennifer, you're just angry because you can't have what you want. You don't love me, you love the concept of owning me!"
Destiny throws this sentence right in Jennifer's face and she widens her eyes surprised at how well this explanation fits what she's feeling

"ahahah of course it all makes sense now"
The queen lets out a laugh that startles Destiny slightly making her worry

"I'm the queen ahaha of course I feel this pain when one of my subjects betrays me"
She states with a grin looking at Destiny with a grim look


"no, to you I am the queen!"
The girl shouts authoritatively

"You don't love me? Fine haha. Enjoy your 'relationship' with Zoe while you can. Because sooner or later she will leave you too... Besides, we're cut from the same cloth"
Jennifer focuses all her contempt in the word relationship as if to make the other one understand that what she has with Zoe is just a passing thing, nothing important, that will dissolve even before she can realise it

"Well then... Goodbye"
Jennifer states coldly and superiorly as she leaves.

Destiny remains paralysed, the blonde's last words rumbling in her mind like a jackhammer, she absolutely doesn't want to believe that even Zoe will leave her, she doesn't want to believe it for any reason in the world but then at the same time doubt is settling in her mind. The fear of losing her is too strong so she pulls the phone out of her jacket pocket and calls her, even just hearing her voice would give her some relief, the phone rings for several minutes but Zoe doesn't answer. So Destiny, who won't give up, keeps calling her. Once, twice, three times, four times, many times, all to no avail.

Destiny's heart begins to tremble.

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