Chapter 14

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- Masks -

A week has passed since the party was held and all the citizens have returned to their lives, the chaos of morning traffic reigns supreme, in contrast there is only the chirping of birds that wish the city a good morning.

Jennifer has just finished getting ready and is leaving home, waiting for her there is, as always, the car that will take her to school, the journey as always is very monotonous, the blonde scrolls through the posts on Instagram with listlessness, observing those photos that portraying her her with the members of her group, where they show off smiles so fake as not to deceive even a child. But the girl was used to it by now, to pretend, to pretend that everything is fine when instead she would like to run away and never look back. If it hadn't been for Zoe, the queen bee would probably have let go of this life long ago. The trip lasts relatively short, if the girl's desire to get into the car was little at first, that of getting out of the car and enter the school is much less. After having waited for 5 minutes, she finally gets out of the black car and heads towards the entrance, her group is in the usual place, in the meantime Zoe arrives and keeps her company during that very short stretch that separates them from starting their farce.

"The queen is here!"
One of the boys shouts, as if Obama himself had arrived

"You look more gorgeous than usual today, honey"
Says one of the girls as she chews her gum loudly

Zoe as usual is not calculated by the group of her friend, but she would not be ignored for long, since like a Swiss watch, here comes the group of girls who, just to have some visibility, have been glued to her since the first year

"Hiiiii girllll"

"today you have an outfit to be envied"

"where did you get that bag?"

Zoe greets them with the usual apathetic voice that comes to her when she has to deal with them.

The bell rings and the two groups start to split up since not all of their members are in the same classes, the queen bee and the little queen breathe a sigh of relief since none of them are in class with them.

"Am I mistaken or did Ace get a little cocky after winning that race?"
Zoe whispers in her friend's ear during the time change

"no unfortunately you're not wrong... He's sticking to me more than before"
The blonde answers with an evidently annoyed tone.

The professor enters the classroom and the conversation ends like this.

*Driin drinn*

The first break has just begun and even if reluctantly, the two girls can't escape from their role as leaders, so they are forced to rejoin their respective groups without separating completely, otherwise they wouldn't be able to hold them.

Ace Ortega is the leader of the group among the boys that are following Jennifer, the other two that stand out more than the others are his best friends: Carter Wills and Eric Kimmel. All three of them are good looking guys, and they also have a physique to be envied by the Greek statues, it's no coincidence that all the girls die after them, too bad we can't say the same of their brains, and Ace has already demonstrated this at the festival of the city, although that was certainly not the first time he brought out his most ignorant side. The other two aren't very open-minded either, but then again what can you expect from guys who only go after a girl for popularity and looks.

Then there are the girls who are certainly not less: Gwen Puckett, Chloe Noel and Malaika Gorman. One more gossipy than the other, in order to have the attention of others they would do anything, once in the second year of high school they tried with a newly transferred professor who will have had no more than twenty years, not to mention the countless parties full of alcohol at which they participate every week. They never miss a chance to buy the same clothes as Jennifer and imitate her in every way. In short, Jennifer has found herself surrounded by the kind of people she hates the most in the world, but she doesn't have the courage to walk away for fear of the repercussions this action could have.

"Jenny why don't we go out one of these days?"
Ace asks the girl in a flirty voice

She replies dryly

"and don't call me that"

"uh uhh I'm the guy here"
Points out the boy as if to imply that he is the dominant one.

The other one rolls her eyes and looks away, she couldn't stand him before, now she's really hating him.

"Tomorrow we'll have the first soccer game against those idiots we've already defeated a million times, you'll come to watch us right Jennifer?"
Eric asks winking at her

"No wonder my father is financing the team."
The queen replies, not at all enthusiastic about the idea

"we could be cheerleaders, huh?"
Gwen proposes in a shrill voice

"yeah that's a great idea!"
Says Malaika all excited.

Jennifer prefers not to express herself but it's obvious she never will, even under torture. A few feet away from them is Zoe who is seriously trying not to throw up because of the talk the other girls are giving her

"he's so hot"

"I'd sleep with him right now"

"How big is his dick?"

"Zoe what do you think? Wouldn't you fuck him?"

The girl looks at the others for a few seconds, given the vast fauna of male beings she is surrounded by the last thing on her mind is to fuck one of them, they may be handsome and have an enviable physique but Zoe doesn't care if they have chicken brains.

"yeah he's cute... But I've seen better"
The queen lies shamelessly, leaving the others open-mouthed, who are now looking for even more pushed photos of guys, just to make her reject the snack for good, even if she has put herself in this situation.

Zoe is reminded of the exchange of "insults" she had with Destiny, by the way she doesn't even know that's her name since she was too busy keeping up the tough guy facade, she can't help but wish she had a strong character like hers, always with a ready answer and not afraid to speak her mind. At least that's her idea of the girl, and somehow she hopes to see her again, perhaps to figure out how to become, however slightly, equal to her.

Recreation ends, the following lessons until the second break were as boring as ever, the two queens had to brace themselves to face the second recreation and as always managed to survive.

Now Jennifer is on her way home always accompanied in the car, once she enters the huge bedroom she throws herself on the bed with the music booming inside the headphones she has just put on full volume, immersing herself in her perfect world, inside of which a person the queen has just entered that she has unconsciously taken a liking to.

What do you think of the secondary characters? I bet you all wish you had friends like them 😃 (obviously joking).
Read the next chapter to see how they behave ❤️🐺.

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