Chapter 43

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- Wear the crown -

It's now morning, Zoe opens her eyes, illuminated by the sunlight coming through the small cracks in the window. She doesn't really want to get up but she can't spend the day lounging around either, or rather she could, but she wants to update Destiny on the situation as soon as possible. After rinsing her face she walks out of the bathroom and then down the stairs to the dining room for breakfast, once she reaches the end of the stairs she notices her parents in the living room. She swallows slightly but ignores them going straight into the dining room, her attempt however is interrupted by her father telling her to go to them, Zoe though reluctant sits down on the couch like the night before.

"I told you yesterday that you couldn't see that girl anymore.... But now I've changed my mind"
Says the man apathetically without looking Zoe in the eyes

Asks the girl who can't believe her ears, stuttering

"not only will you never be able to see her again, you have to leave her immediately"
He states categorically giving her a petrifying look

"what did you say?"
The queen asks, clenching her fists

"You heard your father"
Her mother intervenes, also with a serious look

"you are crazy, forget it. I will never leave her!"
Zoe exclaims angrily, getting up from the couch

"This is not a request Zoe, this is an order!"
Her father shouts, getting up in a threatening way

"I'm not one of your employees that you boss around!"
Zoe says furiously

"Again with this attitude?
Her mother intervenes, now also standing up

"You know what? I don't care if you don't like it, I don't need you or your approval. I'll never leave her and you'll have to get used to it!"
She states the whole thing in a tone of voice that admits no reply as she leaves the room, sprinting up the stairs and locking herself in her room


"Zoe get down here immediately!"

"you will face the consequences know it!"

Her parents are still shouting from downstairs but Zoe has no intention of listening to them, she turns the music up to maximum, clutching her headphones even tighter to her ears and retreats into her inner world. It had been a long time since she had done this and she had almost forgotten the feeling of peace it gave her, after all since she started spending her days with Destiny she no longer felt the need to isolate herself from the world because now her world is Destiny and it is a world she would never want to leave. Thinking about her girlfriend it occurs to her that she hasn't called her yet, so she stops the music and clicks on her contact.

"I'm so sorry it turned out this way honey"
Says Destiny after the other one tells her everything

"You don't have to be sorry, I knew it wasn't going to go well"
Reveals Zoe

"then why you wanted to tell them?"
Destiny asks a little confused

"because it was enough for me to let them know about it so I can be myself from now on"
Zoe explains quietly

"I see"

"Are you in school?"

"yes in fact I'm going to have to attack soon.... Ugh. You didn't go?"

"No, I didn't feel like it"

"I never feel like it ahah"

The two girls chat for a while more but then Destiny is forced to attack since break time is over.

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