Chapter 7

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- Boredom -

~ Meow ~

"ohh that's so cute, it was just a cat"
Says Jennifer turning to her friend with the feline in her arms

"you gave me a heart attack"
Says Zoe stroking the kitten

"See I told you it was a stray"
The girl repeats her previous statement

"you said it was a stray dog"
Jennifer points out

"yeah well don't be a stickler, it's the same"

The queen lays the animal on the ground and quickly wipes her hands, the kitten certainly hadn't bathed recently

"So now what do we do?"

"we keep exploring"

"Jennifer there's nothing here"

"maybe because we didn't look hard enough"

Zoe huffs slightly then follows her friend who has started walking again. The further they go the more infamous the area becomes, stores closed and with broken glass, goods looted from any food now long abandoned, mold and rust everywhere and the roofs of what were homes could collapse at any moment. What makes the two girls suspicious is that no one is there, they were expecting some junkies or packs of people wrestling and cops trying to sedate them instead nothing, flat calm.

"Jenny how about we stop for a second?"
Zoe proposes, sitting on a wooden pallet

"It's ok, there's nothing here anyway"
She agrees sitting on the same bench as the other.

They spend the next ten minutes or so in silence, both taking refuge in their imaginary worlds once again.

Jennifer had hoped that this would be the opportunity that would change her life, in fact it would completely turn it upside down, but since they started this adventure absolutely nothing has happened, the most exciting event was the finding of that kitten. The queen is slowly losing hope.

Zoe, on the other hand, was not very confident even at the beginning, she likes the idea of adventure and danger, but when she comes face to face with it, she can't face it. But inside her she thought that this was the time when she would finally change her life, and give her the strength to fight against the injustices imposed by her parents. But again, the fear is stronger this time, and the fact that there was nothing to face only made it easier for her.

"Jennifer, shall we go back?"


The girls arrive at the halfway point, they've walked the route they took before but backwards and thankfully both have a pretty good sense of direction. They are almost at the exit of the last alley to go before appearing at the intersection that divides the two parts of the city, but someone blocks their way.

"Excuse me..."
Jennifer says shyly.

A tall and decidedly muscular guy turns around with a grim look, staring down at the two girls and then licking his dry, chapped lips. The queen backs away taking Zoe's hand.

"Why are you moving away beauties?"
Says one of the other men

"Why don't you come over here and enjoy yourselves"
Says another approaching slowly

"we just want to get out of here"
Says Jennifer dryly giving them a dirty look

"oh don't worry you will get out of here, but only after you've entertained us"
He gives a grin worthy of the devil himself what seems to be the gang leader.

The two girls who now have confirmation of the men's intentions turn around and start running, the others follow closely behind, the two are at a distinct disadvantage, not because of speed but experience. The men are not particularly fast due to their decidedly unhealthy lifestyle but they know that place perfectly, every alley and shortcut and in a few moments they manage to catch up to the two girls by cutting them off.

Says Jennifer stopping suddenly making Zoe hit a wall and having to stop at the last second

"Hey girls, what's the rush?"

"Yeah we just want to have some fun"

"Nice clothes, too bad you won't be wearing them anymore"

"Rich girls like you shouldn't be in a place like this, you might meet some dangerous people"
Says the boss, noting the brand of their clothes

"But luckily we're here to protect you"
The men burst into laughter, full of malice that is suddenly broken when Jennifer, tired of their talk, picks up a broken bottle that was on the ground next to her and throws it at the leader.

The latter turns towards her with bloodshot eyes, he just takes two wide strides and arrives in front of the girl, grabs her blouse that she is wearing lifting it slightly, Jennifer emits a cry of pain. Zoe is paralyzed, not that she can do much as another of the men stands in front of her blocking her passage and even her sight.

"Get off me!"
Jennifer screams wiggling with all her might, but her efforts are in vain, she's no match for the man's strength

"Let's see what nice underwear you've got under here you little bitch."
Says under his breath the being holding her sneering again letting the drool about to spill from his mouth.

Jennifer can't help but be disgusted, she looks away and closes her eyes entering her fantastic imaginary world hoping not to feel anything. Zoe tries to free herself from the grip of the other creep who has meanwhile grabbed her by the wrists, she too like her friend closes her eyes and enters her inner world.

"Jesus Christ"

"what the fuck!?"

"let's go!"
A loud bang sends the thugs running.

The girls open their eyes again confused, Jennifer still has her clothes on, almost crying from comfort. Zoe on the other hand can finally reach her friend.

"Jenny are you okay?"

"yeah... Yes I'm fine, are you?"

"yes, I'm fine. But what was it?"

"I don't know"

The two girls look around, hear the sound of footsteps, the beats of their hearts begin to accelerate. The two take each other's hands ready for the worst.

Hello readers! 🐺
Jennifer and Zoe had a hard time, but luckily someone saved them.
What will happen in the next chapter? Don't miss the updates ❤️😉

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