Chapter 6

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- Transgression -

Destiny stops with bated breath, that run has really exhausted her and she decides to sit down for a moment to recover her strength. She has arrived in the decadent part of the city, it is not a place unknown to her, she had already visited that place on other occasions, but not so frequently as to feel comfortable in those alleys.

After a few minutes she hears footsteps, she knew that the part of the city where she is is frequented by many crooks, but she hoped not to make unpleasant encounters. To her amazement to come out from around the corner is Nathan.

"hey Bolt"
He greets his friend with his usual irony

"alchemist, what the hell are you doing here?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing"

The girl lowers her gaze and wipes away the tears that wet her face, before answering both of them hear footsteps

"Destiny! Nathan you too?"

Both friends say in unison

"what the hell is going on?"
Destiny asks, not understanding how they knew where she was

"I saw you running in this direction as i was leaving the DIY store"
Nathan replies

"I was going to return the book you lent me but when I got to your house I saw you running away so I followed you"
Audrey explains.

Destiny rubs her temples, the crying has caused her a big headache and now she also has to explain herself to her friends, something she would have gladly avoided for the moment.

She looks up and waves the two friends to sit next to her, of course the asphalt dirty with who knows what substance isn't the best but the three don't have many problems being used to the squalor of their school shelter.

"So... Well, it's not easy to say out loud, actually I still don't understand what happened"
Destiny begins to speak, thinking about how to organize the speech. Audrey and Nathan remain silent giving her time to rearrange her thoughts.

"Basically, when I got home my parents were talking, you know like everyone else in our area we are living in a tough economic situation..."
The girl pauses for a moment and then continues her speech speaking very slowly, saying those words is not easy at all
"I heard them say...that.... That they're going to send me back to the orphanage because they can't support the expenses I entail anymore..."

Audrey and Nathan are stunned at their friend's revelation, they can't even imagine such a thing, their friendship can't end like this.

"We will never allow something like this to happen"
Nathan says, standing up

"Yeah, yeah he's right"
Audrey joins the boy, getting up as well

From Destiny's eyes are about to flow new tears, her friends jump on her hugging her, triggering in her a thunderous laughter, mixed with sadness.

"Now don't think about that though, let's enjoy the rest of the day!"
Exclaims the boy raising a fist to the sky.

The two girls look into each other's eyes with a worried look, thinking the boy wants to blow something up

"girls of bad faith"

"but we didn't say anything"

"I can see it in your eyes, no I'm not going to blow anything up"
Nathan reassures them by crossing his arms

"so what do we do?"
Audrey asks to understand her friend's intentions

"yes I'm really curious alchemist"

"let's search the area"
The boy simply replies

"that doesn't sound like a good idea to me"
Audrey says fearfully

"Well it might be interesting."
Says Destiny instead

"Two against one, fair maiden "

"you two are gonna get yourselves killed one day, and me too"

"I wouldn't let that happen, silly sis"

Audrey glares at her friend, but also gives her a slight smile, knowing that they will definitely get into trouble, but she doesn't want to be a party pooper and also wants to make her big sister feel better so she convinces herself and along with the other two starts walking aimlessly.


"We're here!"
Jennifer exclaims super excited

"wow now I see why you call it decadent"
Says Zoe with her mouth open

"are you ready fellow adventurer?"

"I was born ready"

The two girls walk into the decadent part of town, not having the slightest idea where they are going to end up. At one point they stop trying to find some sense of direction.

"It's really desolate"
Zoe says

"in fact, it's a bit of a disappointment"
Jennifer agrees with disappointment after what she has seen so far

"I thought it would be a little more lively, I don't know, some bad guys here and there, people getting into fights "
The queen snorts, rubbing her boots against the muddy ground

"you watch too many movies honey"
Her friend brings her back to reality.

* Crash *

The girls hear the sound of broken glass, it seems to be coming from very close by

"did you hear that?"
Jennifer says excitedly

"yes and I don't like it, let's change direction"
Zoe replies taking the girl's arm under her arm

"What? Nooo, we came here for the adventure and the adventure we will have"

"Yeah, but I don't want to die"
Zoe says seriously

"but what about dying and dying, come on let's go"
Jennifer takes her friend by the hand and heads towards the source of the noise, which seems to be coming from an abandoned store not far from them. The girls cautiously approach but seeing no one, they look around trying to see if there's a soul there

"maybe it was a stray dog"
Hypothesizes Zoe

"why would a dog break a glass, possibly injuring itself, if there's nothing to catch?"
Says Jennifer saccharinely, hoping to still have the adventure she came to this place for

"I hate you when you do that"
Zoe glares at her, the other sticks her tongue out and continues to look around


"Jennifer what happened!?"

Hello dear readers!
Destiny has made her revelation how will it end for her?
And have Zoe and Jennifer found their adventure?
Read the next chapters to find out! ❤️🐺

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