Chapter 33

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- Regret -

It's Saturday night, Jennifer is getting ready to go out, Ace has organized a party at her house since her parents are out of town for work, obviously the queen can't miss it so she couldn't refuse the boy's invitation even if she wanted to.

Since she attracts attention even without doing anything, she decides to dress very simply, she puts on some ripped black jeans and a Levis t-shirt with a leather jacket over it that reaches her mid-torso, the coat in particular reminds her for a moment of Destiny, but she immediately drives away that thought by focusing on the jewelry to wear, she opts for a golden necklace and light spots, her favorite.

Zoe won't be coming to the party with her because of a business dinner with her parents that she absolutely cannot miss, so she'll have to make it through the night on her own, also because the whole school will be at the party and she doesn't like most of them and obviously the guys in her group that she doesn't like either, in short she'd rather bury herself in the ground than spend the whole night at the party, but she's the queen bee and she has to fulfill her duties even if unwillingly.

Once in the car Jennifer asks the driver to drive as slowly as possible, the later she arrives the less time she has to spend in Ace's house and after all a star has to be wanted, right? After about half an hour she arrives in front of the gate that marks the beginning of a long road that leads to the boy's house, after confirming her identity to the guardian, the car enters the house, the driver stops in front of the entrance waiting for Jennifer to get out and then leave. The driver stops in front of the entrance and waits for Jennifer to get out and then leaves.

She doesn't have time to get in that she's already inundated by the music coming from the house, a strong survival instinct tells her to turn around and leave but she can't do it because unfortunately she has already been seen by some guy in the garden smoking something not very legal

"The queen is here!"
Shouts a boy definitely drunk raising the glass in his hand to the air as soon as Jennifer makes her entrance, by the way she doesn't even know who he is and therefore realizes how popular she is at school

"Honey you're finally here"

"now the party can be said to have started"
Gwen and Marta immediately start flattering her as soon as they see her

"yes we were getting too bored without you"
Chloe says staggering, obviously drunk and not very sincere

"yeah, aha yay"
Says Jennifer sarcastically raising a fist to the air very listlessly.

The girl looks around a bit, it seems to be in the classic American TV series, there are people sprawled on the couch almost unconscious, others playing games with alcohol as penance that can barely stand up and how could we miss those who make out like there's no tomorrow in any corner of the house and probably there are also those who are doing much more. Normally Jennifer indulges in one or two drinks but at this particular party there are really a lot of people even much older than her or that not even attending her school so she doesn't feel very safe, she's always afraid that someone might have put something in the drinks, but her mind though isn't going to let her act like a good girl and she decides to bring back the one person she didn't want to think about.

"Destiny... I miss... NO"
She shakes her head violently as if she had to take it off.

Then she takes one of the glasses full of who knows what kind of alcohol and drinks it all in one go, but the image of the wolf doesn't want to leave and she drinks another one, then another one and another. She has 8 glasses, it is said that those who have clear eyes can hold their alcohol well, but this rule does not apply to the queen, despite having eyes of a very clear blue-green, she begins to waver, she leans against the wall, her head turns slightly, she manages, although with difficulty, to sit on a sofa that strangely is not occupied by anyone, after a few moments she seems to regain lucidity

"Hey Jenny I could not find you for a moment I thought you had not come"
Ace says sitting next to her with a flirting attitude as usual

"I... I said don't call me... that"
She says annoyed between a sob and the other caused by the previous drink

"well what are you doing here all alone?"
He asks ignoring her previous statement and moving slightly closer to her

"I'm... resting"
She answers moving away

"Do you mind if I keep you company?"


"what do you mean? Aha"
Ace casually puts an arm around Jennifer and starts stroking her shoulder

"what are you doing?"

"what do you think?"
The boy moves even closer to her, the distance between their faces is almost zero

"no, Ace... wai-Mhh!"
Ace kisses her taking advantage of the confusion in the mind of the girl caused a little 'by alcohol a little' by her feelings, she tries to move away from him at first but then some thoughts make her hesitate

"what's the point now?"

"I might as well let him do it, what have I got to lose?"

"maybe then I'll be able to stop thinking about her"
These are the thoughts that leave Jennifer helpless in front of the boy, who detaches himself shortly after with a smirk

"wow, that was amazing"
Ace says, whispering in her ear

She says lying like never before

"so you think so too?"

"well i, well.... Yeah sure"
Responds in a hushed voice the girl whose voice becomes practically inaudible due to the loud music echoing throughout the house.

All of a sudden Jennifer seems to recover, a huge sense of guilt makes its way inside her, the image of Destiny is projected in her mind and then disintegrates until it disappears, as much as she wants to think she is able to forget her, her mind reminds her every time that she is not able to, she gets up from the sofa causing a sense of nausea but she manages to walk and leaves the house, first walking, then increasing the pace and then start running, leaving Ace there, confused but still satisfied with his achievement.

At the beginning Jennifer didn't know where she was going, but then she is reminded of the decadent part of the city, if the alcohol managed to make her do such a thing then the drugs they sell there will surely make her forget both the kiss and Destiny for good, and money is certainly not a problem for her.

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