Chapter 46

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- I belong to you -

The school day is over and Zoe takes advantage of the fact that everyone is focused on planning for the afternoon to look for Eric and Carter. After a few minutes she spots the two boys, goes up to them hoping the two of them can give her the answers she's looking for

"Eric, Carter hey"

"Zoe, hi"
Eric greets her

"hey Zoe sorry for the rush but I have some things to do, see ya"
Carter greets her hurriedly and then leaves the two

"do you need anything?"
The boy asks quietly not being used to the girl's company

"Yeah there's something I need to ask you about Jennifer"

"ah, yeah go ahead"

"Do you know what happened to her? I mean how come everyone is avoiding her now?"

"That depends. Do you want to know what really happened or the gossip?"

Zoe answers firmly

Eric tells her about what had happened between Ace and Jennifer that day very sadly, he never thought his best friend would be capable of doing something like that, he still thinks it was really lucky that he was there at the right time, otherwise Jennifer as well as suffering the trauma of being raped by a guy she has known for a long time would have had to face other terrible consequences as well.

"I can't believe it"
Zoe says in disgust

"I know, I was shocked too"

"What about the gossip?"

"well they're the ones that destroyed Jennifer's reputation and they're also the reason Carter and I don't talk to Ace anymore"
Admits the boy sadly

"what are they saying?"

"to make a long story short after what happened with Jennifer, Ace spread a rumor that she got herself pregnant by another guy accusing her of cheating on him.... Not content with that, he also said that she would later have an abortion so she wouldn't be found out"

The queen exclaims shocked

"the thing that got me confused is that Jennifer did nothing to deny it. I know what Ace said wasn't true but I still don't understand why Jennifer didn't do anything"
Eric says confused

"I honestly don't think I know her as well as I thought I did, in fact maybe I never really knew her at all"
Zoe says bitterly

"maybe she got tired of being the 'queen', although it doesn't explain why she had to take on such heavy gossip"

"At this point I don't think there's anything we can do to help her, she's completely withdrawn into herself"
Says Zoe, who has now given up completely on trying to reconnect with Jennifer.

What could have been a beautiful, long-lasting friendship has crumbled like nothing, and Jennifer Diamond is now completely alone. Now more than ever she feels the need to isolate herself in her inner world, in her perfect fantasy world where everything goes as she want, where everything and everyone follows her directives and indulges her every wish, she is now locked away, in a world without friendship and without love.

Once she gets her answer Zoe says goodbye to Eric and leaves the school, on the car ride she receives to her surprise a call from her father and not from his secretary as was usually the case


"Hi Zoe I guess you got out of school"

"Yes, I'm in the car right now"

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