Chapter 22

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- Dangerous -

"Well... So I'll see you?"
For the wolf and the queen bee, the time to say goodbye has come, the awkwardness is still perceptible

Destiny replies sincerely. Jennifer makes to leave and so does the wolf, the blonde turns around one last time though

"it was nice... All of it"
Says the last part biting her lower lip slightly, Destiny can't help but blush

"For me too"
The girl replies and then finally walks away.


"I'm back"
Destiny announces her return home.

The parents emerge from the living room with mixed expressions between sad and worried, causing their daughter to immediately worry

"did something happen?"
Destiny asks, already thinking of something terrible

"it's about Audrey"
Her mother informs her

"what happened to her?"

"her parents called us just a little while ago. They said she collapsed and lost consciousness"

Destiny turns on her phone wanting to contact her, she sees the countless calls the girl has left for her, she brings a hand to her mouth squeezing it tightly

| as long as you're wearing this bracelet we will always come back to each other |

The sentence she had said to Audrey comes back to her mind like a well delivered punch, so much so that she drops a few tears realizing what she had done, or not done

"It's my fault... It's my fault... Only mine"
She keeps repeating in her head cursing herself for doing the one thing she promised herself she would never commit

"They're in the hospital now, they asked if we want to go check on her"
Says the father stroking his daughter's back

"I don't think she wants to see me..."

"on the other hand I think she needs you now more than ever"

Destiny nods and leaves with her parents, on the way to the hospital she tries to prepare a speech or something to say to Audrey once she is there.


"We're here"
They nod to Audrey's parents sitting waiting by the newly arrived Wolfe family

"How is she?"
The two adults ask

"she's fine now, but she needs to rest she's been under a lot of psychological stress"
Explains Mr. Abbott

"That's what the doctor said"
The woman next to him concludes with a sad look

Destiny speaking

"It's all my fault... I promised her I would never leave her... And I did it just when she needed me the most"
She says the whole thing between sobs, she can't contain herself, tears flowing without her being able to do anything to stop them

"Destiny you have nothing to apologize for, Audrey has some serious issues and they weren't going to be solved with a phone call"
Audrey's parents state

"Yes, but at least it wouldn't have come to this"
Destiny, who now feels totally responsible for what happened, replies

"Mr. and Mrs. Abbott, your daughter just woke up, you'll be able to see her soon"
A nurse tells them, they nod and begin to approach the room where their daughter is.

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