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'Why are you here?' 

'She kicked me out.' 

' Who? Well you can stay here until you find a home for yourself.' 

'Thank you.' He came in with his bags. 'You can sleep on the couch.' I said. 'Okay.' He walked over the couch and placed his bags next to it. 'Anyways, if you need anything just call me. You're my brother after all.' He nodded. A polite smile was plastered on his face. 'But you had a girlfriend, right?' He looked away towards his hands. 'Yeah. we broke up.' A single tear fell from his eye. 'That's sad. I'm gonna take a shower.' He nodded with a smile on his face. I walked up the stairs, as I heard a loud bang on the wall. The neighbors were having a fight again. I walked towards the bathroom. I took my clothes off and stepped in. The warm water felt nice. I grabbed some soap and washed myself with it. Once again I heard a loud bang. 'Can you guys shut up in there?!' After I said that I didn't hear from them again. When I was ready showering, I grabbed my clothes and dressed up. I walked out the door and ran downstairs. 'So, what are you up to tomorrow?' My brother asked. 'I got it. the job at Freddy's' My brother looked at me with a happy look. 'Oh that's nice! have you seen any cute guys?'  

'What? no. I haven't seen a single guy there who is not, 80' My brother laughed at my comment. 'There was this really nice girl. I didn't get her name though.' 

'OoOoOoOo~' My face turned red when my brother said that. 'Stop! it's not like that.' My brother grabbed my arm. 'Y/n. If you're are gay, you can always tell me.' I raised my hand and swung it across his face. 'What was that for?!'

'I'm not gay dude.' He looked away from me. 'Okay okay, sorry.' I hit him one more time as I ran upstairs to sleep. When I opened my door, I sat down on my bed. I threw my back against the sheets, as I closed my eyes. 'Wake up Y/n.' I flickered my eyes as the figure in front of me got clearer. 'You have to go to work.' I looked up at my clock. '06:34?!' I got out of bed, rushed downstairs. and slammed the door behind me. I slept in my clothing so I didn't have to change. I got out my car keys and opened the car. when I got in, I fixed my hair a little. I looked like an absolute wreck.

 When I saw the flickering light, at the back of Freddy's, I rushed towards the door and opened it. 'Y/n. You're late.' A grumpy voice said. The room was a bit dark, So I couldn't see who it was. 'Who's there?!' A tall man walked up to me. 'Hello, princess.' He chuckled. 'Don't call me that.' I tried to avoid him, and walked out the dark room. 'Hey. Y/n. You're a bit late aren't you?' I nodded at his comment. 'yeah I am.' He walked into his office. 'Here, your uniform.' he handed me a purple blouse, with a bow tie. 'Thank you, sir.' He smiled at me. 'No problem! The restroom is right at the end of the hall.' I nodded and walked out the door. I saw that girl from earlier. 'Hey! I never got your name?' She stood up in front of me. 'My name's Y/n!' I held out my hand to shake hers. She pulled out her gloves. 'Oh' I said. 'I just cleaned the restroom.' I smiled at her. She dropped her gloves into the bucket. 'They would be soaked when you take them out.' I said. She gave me a nervous look. 'Yeah, that was dumb of me.' She held out her hand. We shook hands, as a guy with long blond hair approached us.

 'Hello, You must be Y/n?' I nodded.  'She has to go now.' The girl took a step back from the door. 'Thanks.' I whispered. She held her thumb up, as the boy groaned. I opened the door and slammed it behind me. I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was all messy, my eyes looked puffy, like I had been crying all night. I walked towards a stall and changed my clothes. I was wearing a normal shirt. When i tried to change it, it got stuck somehow. 'Goddammit!' The little button on the back of my shirt got stuck in my hair. I pulled it out, as a part of my hair got torn with it. 'Fuck.' I grabbed the purple uniform as I put it on. After I was done I walked out the stall. I was having trouble with the bow tie. 

When I finally got it on, I walked back to Henry's office.  'Now, Y/n. Henry's not here today.' Oh god, Not again.

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