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'Y/n! wake up it's my birthday' Chris said cheering. I looked around to see Elizabeth standing next to Chris. 'Happy birthday!' 

'Come on kids' William stood in the door frame. 'Oh, hello' Elizabeth and Chris ran out of the door. 'There's some clothes in the bathroom, I'll see you downstairs' I nodded, as he walked away. 'Great' I got up. I was dizzy and I could barely breath. Crippled I walked to the bathroom. I wrapped some bandages around my fingers. I looked at the clothes on the counter. I picked them up. 'Wow' I had small shorts and a short-sleeved blouse, some high socks and hair clips. I put them all done, and was able to finish in 5 minutes. 'You look gorgeous' William said. 'Want some coffee?' he got a mug that was standing in the cabinet. 'Yeah' 

'Here' William handed me the mug full of coffee. 'Thank you' 

'No problem, of course' I heard a glass breaking. William groaned as he headed to where the sound came from. 'Can't you do anything right?!' I heard. I rushed towards William's voice. Micheal was standing in front of him. 'William!' I yelled. 'Don't do that!' William looked behind him, glaring at me. 'Don't tell me what not to do' His face got closer. 'Let's go!' Chris cheered. 'Yeah' William muttered. They all headed to the car. 'What are you waiting for?' Micheal said. 'I'm coming' I followed them to the car, and got in. 'There' William said as he closed the door. 'You look pale today' William mentioned. 'Thanks for telling me'

'No problem' I sighed. 'Are we there yet' Elizabeth said. 'Almost'

5 minutes later

William stopped the car. 'get out' He said. 'Okay' I mumbled. I opened Elizabeth's door. 'Come on' I said. Chris jumped in my arms. 'Are you my new mommy?' I gasped. 'No, She's not your new mommy' William said. 'I hope you'll become my new mommy' I followed William into the restaurant. The place was all decorated. Micheal's friends arrived too. 'Micheal, are we going to do that prank?' one of them said. 'Of course' 

'Don't you think It's dangerous?'

'That's why we're doing it'

Sorry for the short chapter. I'm sick so I couldn't do more.

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