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I woke up on my couch. In the same position I had fallen asleep in. My eyes were puffy and red. I didn't want to go to work. 'Hello.' I opened my eyes, as my vision became clearer. 'Darling, wake up.' Why the fuck is my brother calling me darling? When I fully opened my eyes, I saw the person standing in front of me. 'William, what the fuck!?' I yelled. 'Don't be scared Darling. I've come to pick you up for work.' He placed his hand on my cheek. 'I could've just walked.' 

'But I won't let you.' He ran his hands in my hair. 'Let go of me.' 

'We should go.' he grabbed my arm, and dragged me out of my house. My arm began to hurt, when William tightened his grip on my arm. 'Let me go!' Before I knew, we were standing in front of his car. 'Get in.' He looked at me in full anger. He opened the door and I got in. After a while of driving, we finally arrived. I moved my hands over the door know, and held it tight. 'Get out.' Once again he grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the door. 'Hello, Y/n.' Henry said. The others stared at me like they had seen a ghost. 'Come with me, Darling.' I followed William as the others weirdly stared at me. 'Remember our little conversation?'

'Yeah I do.' When I looked down I could see him fiddling with his ring. 'Good.' He moved his hand over to my ears, and moved my hair over it. I ran out as fast as I could, and sprinted towards the others. 'Y/n, what's going on?' The quiet guy said. His voice was high, and he had a couple of voice cracks. I analyzed his facial expression. I knew he was scared to speak up. I realized I was still staring at him. 'Nothing.' I said. While moving my hand to wipe off the crumbs on the bench. I sat down. The bench was uncomfortable, but was enough to sit on. 'We're all early aren't we?' The people sitting besides her all laughed. I didn't, The only thing I could think of was William. I'm not scared of him. Well maybe a little. My mind moved to charlie's picture. her lifeless body was tattooed onto my brain. After a while of thinking, we all heard the door slowly open. A wave of children flooded into the area. They all laughed. I could hear their voices filled with laughter and joy. I couldn't believe that a person can simply take that away from someone. 'Get to work.' Henry said. I nodded and got back to fixing the lights. I didn't actually enjoy it, but it was enough to live with. The same work from yesterday repeated itself. When I stood on the ladder. I began losing sight. He took a few steps back and landed on the floor. 'Goddamn!' I shouted. to my surprising. Henry came in. 'What happened?' I look at my bloody knee. When I touched it my knee flinched to my motions. 

'I fell..' Looked up to the ladder. The light was flickering. 'I'll get you some bandages.' Henry quickly ran away. He didn't come back. When I stood up to look around the corner, William was there. 'Hello, darling. Is this what you were looking for.' He held a pack of bandages in his right hand. 'Thanks. now leave me alone.' I said. I snatched the bandages out of his hand. When I put them on, I began feeling nauseous. When I though about the drink. I realized that I might've poisoned myself. The last thing I could see was William's smirking face. 



When I woke up. I immediately stood up from what seemed to be a couch. 'Where am I?' I whispered to myself. My head was still light headed. 'You're in my house.' William appeared in front of me. 'What why?' 

'You passed out. And you wouldn't wake up, so that was the only thing I could do. He sighed. 'Okay. can you let me go now.' He looked back. His fingers seemed to be fiddling with his ring again. 'Honey, what's going on.' A red haired, woman came into the room. 'She's a girl from work. She passed out.' She looked at William in suspicion. 'Okay. What's your name.' 

'Y/n, miss.' she chuckled 'My name is Clara. Nice to meet you!' I nodded, and smiled. She backed away, and faded into the kitchen. God I'm so tired.

To be on your side. |William afton x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now