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'I'm a monster.' I said, leaning into William's grip. 'Help me clean up.' I nodded and wiped my tears. 'Can I take a shower?' 

'Of course.' I nodded and walked upstairs. I opened the bathroom door. And slammed it shut. When I got in the shower, I could see the blood dripping down, and the blood on my hands slowly slipping away. I had to do what was the best. For the kids... right? I thought. When I reached for my hair, I could feel small pieces of shattered bones. I screamed. 'Is everything alright in there?' William said.

 'Yeah, I'm fine after killing my own brother.' He laughed. I hated him so much. I finished. I reached for the towel as I fell and hit my head. I groaned. 'Great.' I could hear the neighbors outside. It seemed like they were having fun. I stood up. I was still sick to my stomach. I had just killed my own blood. I just wanted to sleep. 'I'm here to clean.' I said. 'Where do we hide the body?' I asked. 'I have an idea.' He grabbed my wrist, and ran downstairs. 'Wha-' I came downstairs to see a cleaned house. 'Where did you learn how to clean so well?'

'Experience' He said smiling. I could not stand to look at my brother's gutted body. The organs were spread everywhere. 'I can't do this.' I said, running to the kitchen. All I could see was him. I looked at William again. I couldn't see what he felt like. I had never seen this expression on him before. 'Are you okay?' He asked. 'Not at all.' I replied. 

'That's okay. If you don't want to help, I'd be fine.'

'No I do.' I said. We both walked together towards his body. I was trying hard not to gag. 'Let's remove the organs.' I nodded. When I picked something up, it was sticky and slimy. 'That's disgusting.' 

'I know.' He said. I knew I was good at hiding my feelings. But at that moment, it was really hard to control them. After we were done. We had to hide the body. 'What do we do with him' he was a pretty big guy. 'I have no idea.' I grabbed my brother's feet. 'A dead body is heavier.' 

'Uh, okay?' He helped me move his body. 'Do you need some help?' He asked, gently laying his hand on my waist. 'No.' He moved his hand away.

 'We can keep him in the freezer.' I would much rather prefer him using 'I' instead of 'we' 


'You can go to bed now, if the kids are sleeping of course.' He said. 'I'm just gonna sleep.' I said. 'Sleep well' 

The next morning I simply just woke up. The sheets felt so heavy, I didn't want to go to work. The cut was infected, I could see all the nasty stuff around it. Nothing good of course. 'William?' I shouted. He quickly ran upstairs. 'What's wrong love?' 

'Can you check on the wound, I think it might be infected.' I asked. I didn't like William around me, it's not like I really had a choice. I pulled up my shirt. William traced the cut with his fingers. 'Yeah, it's infected.' I sighed. 'Great.' 

'You have to go to work anyways, sorry.' He muttered. 'Okay.' I responded. I stood up and walked out. 'Do you want some coffee?' I nodded. 'We have to be quick' I said. 'Where are the kids?'

'They are already at school.' 

'Oh, okay' He walked up to me and handed me the cup of coffee. 'Thank you' I smiled 'No problem' my mind went straight back to my brother. I could see a little blood drop on the couch. 'My brother' I said. 'What about him?' William looked at my confused. 'He's dead  and it's my fault.' William walked up to me and grabbed my arm. 'We're going to work now.' I still had the cup in my hand, causing it to fall and shatter on the ground. 'Will-' 

'Forget about that.' He said. I slowly nodded. 'Okay?' He placed me in the car seat. 'I could walk.' 

'I don't care.' He quickly drove his car. 'Slow down!' I yelled. He placed his hand on my thigh. 'Wh-' 

'Oh, sorry I forgot you weren't Clara' He chuckled. The drive was awkward. When we arrived, he took me out of the car and before I knew, I stood inside of the restaurant. We were late. All the kids were already there. 'A bit late.' Henry said. 'We are' 

'Did you and Clara officially divorce?' 

'Not yet.' He said. 'Let me know when you are.' William nodded. 'I will' The others were already working. I sat down at a bench and placed my head between my arms. I wish I didn't kill my brother. 'What's wrong?' Someone asked me. I looked up and saw the boy. 'Oh hey, I never got your name' 

'My name's connor.' He said. 'But are you okay?'

'I'm okay, I'm just very tired.' 

'Did William hurt you?' He asked. 'No?' 

'I ran from him yesterday, cause I know his secret.' My heart was pounding faster. 'He's the child murderer.' 

'He's what?!' 

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