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TW: murder, gore

'Because you make me feel safe.' I looked down. Even if I wanted to leave William, I wouldn't be able to. Not with these kids. What if I liked William? I asked myself. 'I think it's dinner time.' Micheal quietly stood up, wiping his clothing. We both walked to the table. 'Here.' William said. I looked down to my plate, only to see horrible made soup. 'What the-' I trailed off. 'What, sweetheart?' 

'Nothing.' I said. Micheal tried to hold his laugh in, spilling a little bit of water on his shirt. Elizabeth looked at us in silence. 'What's so funny?' William said. I shoved my shoe against Micheal, to make him stop laughing. 'Nothing's funny.' I looked back at the soup, I stuck my spoon in it and brought it to my mouth. 'It's... It's good.' I said, it didn't seem very convincing towards William. 'I know.' 

'I should get working.' William said, after he was done with his soup. 'Take care of my children.' He rushed towards his garage. 'Great.' I said. 'Can I please throw my soup away?' Elizabeth begged, 'Uh, Yeah.' I had noticed that the little boy wasn't talking. 'Are you okay?' I said. 'Of course!' Chris said. They all handed me their plate. I felt my stomach hurt when I stood up. I saw the blood coming out of the cut. I covered it with my hand, and moved on to throwing away the soup. 'Are you okay Y/n?' Elizabeth asked. 'Yeah' Elizabeth nodded. I walked to the sink, I quickly threw the soup away. 'I'll be in the bathroom for a minute.' I said. The kids were all busy messing with each other. The bandages that were wrapped onto my body, were soaked in blood. It could be infected. I lowered it, and started pouring more rubbing alcohol on it. I leaned my body on the wall, facing the ceiling. I slowly took more bandages and wrapped it around me. I couldn't really walk well. I took something to walk with, and proceeded to walk out of the bathroom. 'How about we watch a movie?' I asked. They all nodded in excitement. I sat down on the couch. They all sat besides me. After a while, we were halfway in the movie. I looked at the clock. '12:00 AM... time to go to bed!' Elizabeth yawned. I took everyone to their bed. I laid Elizabeth down on her bed. 'When is mommy coming back.' She said. 'I don't know.' 

'You are not gonna leave us right?' Micheal said. 'No. I won't' Micheal smiled. 'Close your eyes' Elizabeth closed her eyes and fell asleep. I led the two boys to their room. 'Y/n?' 


'There is a man in the closet.. can you please go check?' I nodded and walked towards the closet. I grabbed the door knob and slammed the door open. 'What the fuck?!' I saw my brother tied up in the closet. I had almost forgot about him. I ripped the tape off his mouth. 'Y/n, that William dude is crazy!' He screamed. 'Yeah I know.' I said while, untying him. 'You know?!' I nodded. 'Then why'd you ignore it?' My eyes pointed to the kids. 'Oh.' He said. I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the garage. 'Found him.' I said. William looked at me in shock. He walked up to us. 'Don't come near me!' My brother shouted. William took out a knife. 'Calm down, and no one gets hurt.' William said. 'You wouldn't do that.'

'I would. And Y/n wouldn't tell a soul, would you darling?' I shook my head. 'Y/n, what the fuck?' William came closer. My brother backed away. 'If you do it I'll tell everyone, and I'll ruin your life!' My brother yelled. 'Shut up, please.' I said. He took out his phone and ran to the living room. 'Shit.' William said. He wouldn't shut up. 'Please.. I don't want to do this.' I said. 'Oh so you're choosing his side?!' My brother said, I saw him typing. 'I'm calling 911.' 

'No, no no.' I took out a knife and cornered him. 'Please. I don't want to-' He pressed the button. '911, what's your emergency.' I quickly ran towards him, and stabbed him. William was right behind me. I took the phone. 'Hey, there's nothing wrong. My brother just tried to be funny, sorry for your time.' I said and hung up the phone. I looked at the lifeless body of my brother. There was blood all over the place. I could see parts of his organs out, and scattered parts of his boned floating in the sticky mess. I had realized what I had done. I bursted into tears. 'Fuck!' I said. William placed his hand on my shoulder. 'What did I do?!' 

'You did what you had to do.' William turned me around and hugged me. 'I'm a monster.' 

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