The day before disaster.

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Time skip 6 days. 

'Come on Y/n. His birthday is tomorrow' I nodded. 'I know that William' My fingers were almost healed, but did hurt like hell. 'You've been sulking around all day' 

'Yeah of course. I have no plans on how I'm going to plan this thing' I said. Henry uncontrollably laughed. 'Control freak' William was grinning at this point, sometimes I wish I could punch him in the face. 'Yeah man, sure' I laughed. Micheal was following William around, while William was taking his anger and irritation out on him. Poor guy. 'Y/n can you come and fix the wires with me?' I looked at Henry a he nodded. William grabbed my hand and walked away. 'What did you wanna say?' I said. 'Nothing, I really need to fix the wires' I sighed. William put his hand on the door knob and opened the door. The smell was almost unbearably disgusting. William opened some kind of box, the wires were all over the place. 'What?' I mumbled. 'Huh, I didn't say anything' He had tweezers in his hand, and laid down on his back. Quietly I sat down on the metal chair next to him. I looked at his chest. 'Loving the view?' 

'Stop!' My face went red. 'Just kidding' I think I was liking the view, perhaps loving it. 'Can I help?' I said. 'Could you give me that screwdriver over there?' I leaned forward to get it, i almost slipped off of the chair. 'There' I handed it to him. 'Thank you' He gave me a kiss on my cheek. I never realized how handsome William really was, apart from the fact that he looked like a dead person. He put the wires back together. It kind of looked like they had snapped or been cut. 'What are those scars again?' 

'The springlock failure' 

'Oh, right' I grinned. 'Yeah it was very funny' I directly stopped grinning. 'Sorry'

'It's okay' He laughed. 'Where did Chris want his birthday again?' I asked. William got up. 'Just here I think' 

'What if we just get some decorations, and some presents and all that birthday stuff?' He sighed. 'Sure' Quickly I jumped up. 'Can I get a present now?'

'Ask Henry' I nodded and walked out of the door. 'Henry, I need to do something important. I'll come back later' Henry looked at me like he'd seen a ghost. 'What's wrong?'

'I actually wanted to talk to you' Shit.

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