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TW: Mention of child death.

I felt like I had been sucked into a black hole. I put an arm around William, I could see the rage in his eyes when he turned to me. I heard the ambulance sirens at the front of the building, slowly fading into the background. 'You okay?' William asked. 'Maybe it's better if you ask that question to yourself' Chris was still laying in William's arms. covered in blood, ready to be taken to whatever is next after death. 'Out of the way' Some people yelled. Minutes later Chris was laying inside of the ambulance. William sat next to me. His eyes almost tearing up. I moved closer. 'There's a small chance of him surviving this..' One of the doctors said. 'He's still alive?' William hopelessly said. 'Not for long' William swung his head back. 'It's all going to be fine' I muttered. I wasn't so sure of that. We finally arrived. They took the bed Chris was laying on and drove it to his room. William took my hand and rushed me to the direction the doctors were going. 'Can you wait here Mrs?' 

'Oh I'm not married' The doctor ignored me. 'They probably think you're married to me' I'm not sure how William was capable of remaining calm after he had almost lost his child in the most gruesome way. 'I hope not'  

'You can come in now' William stood up and walked with me. Chris's heartbeat was not going too fast. 'Oh god' 

'It's possible for him to survive it, but the chance of survival is about 20 percent. I tear fell on my chest. 'Why are you crying' 

'Because your son almost died' He held my hand. 'Well it's not your son, so why are you crying' I couldn't believe this man. 'He died in front of my eyes' 

'Well you killed your brother' I wanted to punch a hole in his skull and beat him to death. 'I love you' He said. 'I don't love you'  I muttered. He grinned. Chris was under narcosis. 'Do you think he's going to survive?'

'No, He's weak' My nails dug into my palms. 'He's a kid, William' He was still grinning. 'I really don't understand you' I said. William grabbed my shirt. 'Let go of me you stupid fuck!' He grabbed me by my waist and put me on his lap. 'Why did you do that to Chris?'

'What are you talking about?' I rolled my eyes. 'The nightmares' 

'It was just to help him' Help him?! I thought. 'Fuck you' I ran out of the door. Maybe I should've just called the police when I could. 'Y/n!' That empty feeling filled my head. The wind was getting stronger and I could feel some rain drops. The rain started getting stronger. I tried to find a place to stand under. 'Y/n' I looked behind me as I saw William standing there. William walked up to me. As I took him in my arms. 'It's okay to cry' He said. The pouring rain felt like someone was poking my skin. 'Come on' William held my hand. He walked towards the car. My face gently rested on his hands. He kissed me. 'You're very pretty when your hair is soaked' I looked in the rear view mirror 'shit' My make-up was smeared all over my face. 'I'm so ugly right now' William moved my head to his. 'Listen to me, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen' The rain got worse. 'You're kidding' He shook his head. 'I'm not' 

'I think I do love you' We both laughed. 'We should go, the rain is getting worse' William looked at the road. All you could see were the rain drops splashing on the small puddles. 'Let's go home' I nodded and smiled. 'What about Chris?'

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