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Y/n's pov

'Fuck' I mumbled, while taking the hair tie out of my bag. 'You okay?' Henry asked. 'Yeah!' I said. I wrapped the tie around my hair. 'Okay' He said awkward while walking away. I could see all the other employees were working, I was sitting against a wall, all shocked. I knew I wasn't supposed to continue. Connor walked up to me. 'I'll help you up' He said while holding out his hand to me. I took it. 'Thank you'

'Did you get more evidence?' He said. 'Not really' He frowned. He was clueless. 'I kissed him, again' 

'What?! Do you even realize what he's done?' I nodded. I look up to my bag as I felt my phone vibrate. 'Hello?' I answered the call. 'Y/n  I've been calling your brother. And he isn't picking up.' My aunt said. My mom was ill so my aunt and uncle had to raise us. 'Oh, yeah I didn't see him for a while.' I slapped myself in the face. 'For how long?'

'A few days I believe' 

'I'm telling the police' she hung up the phone. 'Shit' 

'What happened?' Connor asked. 'My brother is missing' I said. Tears poured out of my eyes. 'I'm so sorry' he said, holding me close to him. I fell into his grasp. 'Go to work!' Henry said. 'I will' he glared. 'Good' Henry stood infront of me. 'Do you have anything going on with William?' He asked. 'No, why would I?' 

'Uhh, I don't know' He muttered. He walked away. 'The shift is over' William stood behind me when I turned around. 'Oh, okay' I was embarrassed. 'Who were you calling?'

'My aunt' He nodded. 'She's telling the police that my brother is 'missing' He looked at me in silence. 'Come' He said. We both rushed to the car. The car ride was silent. As we arrive, my aunt and my uncle were there. 'What are you guys doing here?!' I shouted. 'Your brother was trapped in that house' I just stared at her. 'No he wasn't? That fucking little twat' 

'Don't call him that!' He was always the favorite child. 'You're so ungratefull!'

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