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One week later. 

I laid next to William. The bed sheets were crumbled up into one pile. 'You alright?'

'I'm okay' I smiled. I sat on the edge of the bed. 'Do you need anything from the store?' I asked. 'No not really' I nodded. I stood up. 'I'll go then' I walked to the door as Micheal stormed through. 'Hey kiddo'

'Dad can I talk to you?' I closed the door behind me as I slowly crept down the stairs. The store wasn't far from William's house so I could walk. I arrived. I looked at the little calendar on the wall. 3rd of September. 'Y/n?' I heard someone say. 'Clara?' I looked at her right in the eyes. I simple walked away as I hid behind one of the racks. 'Can I help you ma'am?' 

'Oh yeah haha. Do you know where the pregnancy tests are?'

'The counter' She fake smiled. 'Thank you so much' I rushed up to it. The lady behind the counter had a lazy look on her face. 'Can I get a pregnancy test?' She looked up behind her. 'Which one?' 

'The cheapest' She grabbed one and put it on the counter. 'That will be 4-' I threw the money on the counter as I quickly took the test. I walked out of the store as my eyes met Clara's. Soon her eyes moved down to the pregnancy test in my hand. 'Did he make you pregnant too now?!' I quickly walked away with my jacket covering my hands. 'Don't ignore me!' she yelled. I knocked on the door. 'Let me in' I could hear little droplets fall on the roof. 'What happened?' He asked. 'Clara's at the door' William sighed. 'Are you at it again? making girls pregnant. you should be ashamed!' She slammed the door. 'Are you pregnant?' He asked. 'No, of course not' I said and walked up to the bathroom.

5 minutes later

'When will this thing work?' I whispered. I peered down the test. one stripe. 'Yes!' I cheered. I threw the test in the bin. 'I'm not pregnant' I shouted. 'good!' He yelled back. I stood up as I walked to the living room again. A big smile appeared on my face. 'You look fancy' I said. 'Freddy's may open again'

'That's great' I said. I knew William would be back at his killing spree if Freddy's did open. 'do you wanna go?'

To be on your side. |William afton x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now