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I laid down helplessly. Seeing something bow over me. I tried to grab the edge of the bed. My arm's didn't move. I couldn't talk or speak. I was paralyzed. The creature's hands touched the window, taping on it. It's hands moved to mine. I could hear overlapping voices and whispers all over the room. A cold breeze crossed my chest. The creature pulled my sheets off of the bed, while slowly getting closer to my face. It's long fingers were pointing at my eyes, and it's eyes were stretching all the way to it's cheek bones. It walked crippled, as if it had been over eighty years old. 'You have to get out' It said. It walked up to me with a slightly miss formed face. It started laughing as William turned on the light. 'I thought you were in a coma, what happened?' He said. I burst out crying in his arms. 'Just a nightmare' It felt so real, as if I was really there. 'You can stay home today' 

'No no it's fine' I stood up, wiping the tears off of my face. I felt the strong urge to just hit William. The creature was gone. 'I have to get grocery's' William said. The air felt humid. 'Don't you think we should get rid of my brother's body?' I said, while zoning out. 'Well, soon. Not now' 

'Maybe you just need to take a shower and calm down' I rolled my eyes and stood up. I walked into the bathroom. Taking my clothes off, as I smelled them. They smelled of cigarettes. 'Ew' I said. I quickly turned on the shower and got in. I sat down. I looked at my fingers as they started bleeding, a horrible pain occurred in my chest and head. I could  feel my heart beat in my skull as my vision got blurry. 'Help!' I yelled. No response. My eyes twitched. I looked at my fingers once again. A few nails were missing, and the skin around the nail was messed up. I could've been biting my nails and fingers while I was in that dream. I held my fingers closer to my eye. This could never be good. 'Y/n?' William said. I slightly opened the shower curtain. 'My fingers' I cried. William held them in one hand. 'What happened?' He inspected them closely. I turned off the shower. William looked at my chest for a second. 'Sorry' I mumbled. 'Just- just look for infections' 

'I don't think it's infected. It has to be treated though' I nodded. 'You can shower now' I closed the curtain as I heard the the door slam shut. I groaned. I moved the shampoo bottle into my hand, and opened it. There was not a lot of shampoo left. The bottle slipped out of my hand, causing my finger to hurt. It started bleeding again, as I pressed the nail. It moved out of it's place. I almost threw up. I washed the shampoo out of my hair and got out of the shower. 'No work for me today' I got some old clothes and got dressed. I slowly walked into the living room with my trembling hands. 'Help' William rushed towards me. He took a small med kit and started looking for plasters and bandages. 'Here' He gave me bandages to put around my fingers. 'Thank you' 

'I'll have to take the loose nails out' I glared at him. 'Okay' He moved his hand to mine and started pulling. 'Fuck!' I groaned. 'Sorry' He said. 'You sadist!'He laughed. 'Does it hurt?'

'Of course it does!' He pulled the last nail and wrapped the bandage around my fingers. 'Shit' I hissed. 'Fuck you' I laid down on the couch. 'I'm going to get grocery's' 

'I'll come with you' I said. 'Alright' I stood up and walked with him. The grocery store was just around the corner. He held my hand while we walked. 'There' He let go of my hand and walked into the store. 'William' William looked behind him and saw Clara. 'I've missed you' She said. She glared at me. I could see she was jealous. 'What are you doing here with him?' I was a bit shorter than Clara. 'Grocery shopping' She nodded. Michael was behind Clara. 'Y/n!' He said. He rushed towards me and hugged my leg. 'Let go of her, honey' Michael quickly jumped up and walked to his mother. 'Guess I'll let you alone now' She sighed. 'Stupid bitch' William mumbled. 'Sorry'

'It's fine. It could've been worse' I laughed. 'What do we need again?' He shrugged. 'Just some pizza and vegetables would work. 'Okay' he grabbed my hand again. And walked away. I looked at my fingers. The blood already leaked through the bandages. 'Better luck next time'

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