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I woke up. I could hear some bottles falling over downstairs. I looked at the clock in the corner of William's room. '9:00 PM?!' I was already supposed to be at work. 'William?' I said. 'Don't worry, Freddy's is already closed'

'Should've done that yesterday' William said. 'Any news about Chris?' 

'He's gone' William covered his face with his hand. 'I'm sorry' He walked towards the kitchen. 'I'm speaking to you'

'Just shut up' His eyes pointed directly at the knife on the counter. his finger slid against it. I froze. It was like my feet were tightly clutched to the wooden floor. William was standing in front of me. Staring deeply into my eyes. 'The funeral is tomorrow' I snapped back and nodded. 'Oh okay' I stuttered. He opened the back door to the garden. The overgrown grass and the destroyed fences surrounded William. 'Are you mad at Micheal?' I asked. 'Of course I am' William let himself fall on the bench. 'He really tries to make you proud you know?' 

'William' Clara was standing at the door. 'Here' He shouted. 'Daddy!' Elizabeth yelled. 'Hey Eli' He hugged her. Micheal hid behind his mother. 'It's okay' Micheal rushed towards me and gave me a hug. 'I missed you' William had this disgusted look on his face. 'I'll go to my room' Micheal grinned as he took William's pack of cigarettes with him. 'I'll check on him' Quietly I followed him. I opened his door. 'Sorry forgot to knock' He was holding a cigarette. 'Don't tell dad, please' 

'Why would I?' I grinned. 'I don't know' He laughed. 'I'll go back. 'Okay' he said. Elizabeth was still downstairs. William was cooking some dinner. 'Why are you already cooking dinner it's like... Right, 9:30 PM' 

'You were very tired and needed rest' 

'What are you making?' He held a pack of soup in his hand. 'It's not looking like soup, let me show you' I stood infront of him. 'Fuck' he groaned. 'What's wrong?' He had one hand on his back. 'Old man' 

'It's not funny Y/n it really hurt' He said. 'Sure' he moved me closer and held my waist. 'You are really beautiful' 

'Shut up I need to make soup for two hungry children' He raised an eyebrow. 'Not for me?' He laughed. 'No, not for you' I smiled. 'Very funny' 

'Can I tell you something, dad?'

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