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TW: gore.

We arrived. William opened the backyard door, and sat down on a bench. The sun almost felt like a burning oven. I wanted to cry, I really did. Not a single tear would fall. William got closer to me. I put my head on his shoulder. He smelled of cigarettes. 'Want one?' He pulled out the pack of cigarettes. 'I don't smoke' He nodded. 'Guess I'll not smoke then' He put them back in his pocket. 'It's Chris's birthday in a few days, I was wondering if you could help me' 

'Of course' I sighed. I saw something moving in the distance. 'Sir' The  said. William stood up and walked towards the police officer. 'Yes?' The police showed his badge. 'I'm going to investigate your house' William nodded. 'Okay' He led her to the door. The woman started investigating the couch and other furniture for any clues that would lead to the murder. Quickly I walked into the back door. The woman had a flashlight. The light flickered a bit until she got to the TV stand. 'What's this?' She said. She wiped her fingers on the TV stand. She looked at her fingers, seeing dried blood on her gloves. 'What's this?' She showed her finger. 'Y/n fell' William pointed at my knees. 'Might have to send more people over' Shit. 'Okay' William said. The officer walked out of the house. 'Where's the body?' William looked at the basement. 'Fuck' I walked into it. The wall seemed like it had been broken open. I knocked on it. Hollow. The wall sounded hollow. I took the hammer and started breaking it open again. 'Y/n.. I do-' William trailed off as I tripped over, while looking at my brother's corpse. I screamed. 'Shut up!' William shouted. I covered my mouth with my hands, feeling the tears fall on to my chest. My brother's corpse leaned on the wall. Falling over on the ground. His whole body was almost melted into the floor. 'How are you gonna get rid of this?!' I yelled. 'I don't know' He shrugged. The corpse in front of me didn't look like my brother. The hair was falling out. and flies were surrounding all of it. I felt like puking. 'What's wrong with you?!' I screamed. 'Alot' He muttered. My hands were shaking. William moved my brothers body into the wall again. and quickly blocked it off. I heard a loud band with the follow of police officers speaking. 'Should we run?' I said. 'No. We're fine' William grabbed my arm and dragged me away from the basement. 'So, our investigation will continue then' The officer said. All the cops were running into William's home, as they looked around little things on the kitchen counter. 'We're so done' I said. William looked at me. 'We're not'

'How would you know?' 

A couple hours pass, as the officers began leaving. 'Sorry we bothered' They all left. 'I told you' William said, with a smirking look on his face. 'You're always right aren't you?' He nodded. 'I'm gonna make some dinner' William said. 'Okay' Minutes pass. William was never good at cooking. I could see it. 'Sit down' I sat down next to him. 'great' He threw the bowl across the table. 'What is this even' A gooey soup was in my bowl. 'It's mushroom soup' I laughed as I brought the spoon to my mouth. William wouldn't stop staring at my mouth. 'Stop staring' 

'It's just your mouth' He smirked. I finally realized the purpose of why he stared at my mouth. 'You pervert!' He laughed. 'Just a joke' He smirked. I rolled my eyes. The soup was actually good. 'I like the soup' I said. 'I knew you would' I finished my bowl and stood up. I brought it to the dishwasher. 'I should get a new blouse' The blood stained through the blouse on my shirt. 'Shit' I took the shirt off. Only leaving my bra. I could feel hands wrap around my waist. 'Beautiful' My face turned red. 'Wha-' William started kissing my neck, while slowly going further down. I turned around. 'You know I can't d-' He placed one hand on the back of my head and kissed me. 'You haven't signed the divorce papers yet did you?'

'I didn't' He was basically cheating. 'Cheater' He laughed. 'Go get some rest. I know you need it' William said. 'Okay' I said. 'Good night love' 

To be on your side. |William afton x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now