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'What do you want to talk about?' I said. Henry was clearly stressed 'Do you think William did something?'

'He did what?' His hands were shaking. 'Do you think William killed the children..?' His hand started digging into his chair. 'No! he would never do something like that!' Henry walked up to the drawer in his office. He pointed towards something on it, it was blood. The dark red liquid had streamed all over the drawer. 'Found this in William's office' He mumbled. 'Wha- no! he didn't do it'

'Y/n, I get that you're upset but-' I slowly slid down the wall. Making it seem dramatic. 'But- I love him' I was never a good liar, but no one really noticed when I was lying until now. 'I don't think he did. He probably got framed' I pulled out a gun and shot Henry in the chest. 'Y/n? you there?' Henry asked. 'Oh yeah' I swear I just killed him 'What happened?' He asked. 'Just zoned out for a second' 'Can I go now?' Henry nodded. He looked at me like I was the traitor. 'Weird' I quickly got into William's car. I looked around in it, until my eye caught some suspicious papers. 'Divorce papers' They weren't signed yet. And yet he dares to kiss me. I started to drive and I got a glimp of a decoration store. I stopped the car and saw some little plushie, It looked like a bear, I knew Chris liked bears. That's why Chris loved Freddy so much. 'I must get it' I walked into the store, While looking around. 'Can I help you ma'am?'

'Yeah, I would like this little plushie. How much is it?'

'Just 2 dollars' I nodded and walked to cashier. I put it down and got my purse. A single blood stain was left on it from the night of my brothers death. 'Ma'am' I quickly Jumped up, causing another figure to almost fall. 'Yeah I'm sorry' I put the money down and quickly ran out of the store. 'Chris is gonna love this!' I was back in William's office. 'Look' William looked at the plushie. 'Cool' He said. He got a present box and slowly put the plushie inside of it. 'There, Can you put it under my desk?' I got the box and placed it somewhere. 'That's better' I laughed. 'I'm bored' William said. 'I already did all of the paper work and sorted it all out' I moved his hair out of his eye. 'Why don't you visit your kids then?' 'Those little brats? I don't want to have anything to do with them' 'But they're your kids?' William sighed. 'Yes. Yes they are my kids' I rolled my eyes. 'Great father' I laid down on the couch. I was wearing normal pants and that one blouse. Most of the stains got out, but it surely wasn't the best. 'I think I'm in love with you William, And I do not think that's a good thing'

'It's not' He slowly stood up, 'Come on move your legs' He pinched my shoulder. 'Ow, why-' Henry came storming into the room. 'Why does this always have to happen' Henry mumbled. 'You're at work!' Henry yelled. 'I was just moving her legs so I can sit on the couch' Henry sighed. 'Sure' William stood up. 'Why did you come in here?'

'Something's wrong with the animatronics, We won't be able to preform.' Henry slowly backed up from the door. 'What are the chances of getting spring locked?''Up to seventy-eight percent' William smirked while sitting back in his chair. 'Wanna try,Y/n?' He mumbled. 'haha, nice joke' 'It wasn't a joke'

'Well I'm not doing that' Henry walked out of the door. His hands were still shaking. what did he smoke. I thought. 'Clara is coming, Don't say anything about the missing children' He took his glass of water in one hand and brought it to his mouth. My eyes were directly pointed at his. 'You aren't divorced yet' William looked at me again. 'I'm not, why?' His eyes pointed at the newspaper again. 'Aren't you supposed to divorce?'

'It won't matter' I took his reading glasses off. 'She wants full custody of the children too' I opened the door and walked out. I saw a few of the employees sitting around a table. 'Hey!' someone said. 'Have you heard about Conner?' I acted like I was surprised. 'What happened?' They all looked at eachother. 'Conner is missing. It just seems like this whole place is cursed. Something's wrong with The Co-owner, His vibe is just- I can't explain it' I took their hands and held them. 'I'm so sorry, I wish I could help' My voice seemed calmer then normal. 'I just love him so much' I realized that it was Conner's girlfriend. 'Maybe we could search for him....' She suggested. 'That's a good idea' I said. Shit. I slowly moved towards the kitchen. 'Has any one of you guys seen Conner?' They all shook their head. I walked further into the place. I could hear the kids cheering again. 'It's gonna be full here tomorrow' I mumbled. The other employees all looked around. 'I need some fresh air' I rushed towards the backdoor. It seemed like all I could think of was William, his voice repetitively played in my head. I slid down the wall, and just staring into the trees. 'Y/n. You there?' William said. 'I'm so tired..' William grabbed me until we were at his office. 'Get some rest' The clock was ticking, until it slowly faded away.

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