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This is a short ass page, okay? (No offense to short people)

'What, where are we going?' I asked. William rushed back to Henry. 'I have to pick up Micheal.' 

'With Y/n?' Henry awkwardly looked at him. 'Uh yeah' 

'Okay' Henry was a bit dry today, I don't know why. I could see him being uncomfortable. 'I'll see you later' William walked back and sat down. 'Well, we have to get Micheal.' I nodded without questioning why. We drove off. We finally arrived to his school. William stepped out and rushed towards the door. 'Come' he said. I followed him, as I saw Micheal with his friends. 'Hello there' I said. Micheal didn't answer. The boy backed off as his father cane closer to him. 'What are you eating?' William said in disgustment. 'It's just gum' Micheal pulled out the gum. 'Take it out, you're making me look like a bad parent.' Yeah maybe because you are. I thought. Micheal ignored William. 'Micheal, stop acting like this. I did everything for you. So go ahead and take that shit out and come with me.' Micheal silently threw the gum in the trashbin. 'Good, now come with me.' We walked to the car and sat down. Micheal was fiddling with his fingers. I could see the tear dripping down his face.

'You're such a dissapointment.' William said. Micheal closed his eyes, facing the ceiling. 'Thank you, dad' The rest of the drive was awkward. When we arived Micheal ran directly to his room. William looked at his hands. 'I hate that kid' I rollen my eyes. 'If you roll your eyes once again, I will roll them for you' I giggled at his comment. I walked to Micheal's room. 'Are you okay?' He didn't answer. 'I'll never be enough for him' He said. He was on the edge of tears, trying to hold it back. 'If you weren't here. He would've already murdered me.' His hand reached to his eye, as he wiped his tears 'Boys don't cry' he said. 'Ofcourse they do' he shook his head. 'No, then they're weak.' 

'Micheal I promise. It's better to let out your emotions.' Not like I did that myself. He reached out for a hug. Pulling him into my warm grip. 'It's going to be alright.' 

'I miss mom' He said, I gently ran my slim fingers through his hair. 'You remind me of my mom' His reaction shocked me. 'Why?' 

'Because you make me feel safe.' 

To be on your side. |William afton x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now