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'Henry!' I said, running towards him. 

'Hey?' He said. 'Can I stay somewhere else?' I asked. 'Like where?' He didn't hesitate to answer. 'Uh, I don't know.' I said. There was a worried look on Henry's face. 'Y/n? Are you sure you're okay?' He asked. I didn't understand what he meant, before I looked in my small mirror. My hair was all messed up, puffy eyes, and eye bags. 'I'm not sure if I am okay' my words pushed out of my mouth so quickly. 'What's wrong?' He asked. His big eyes stared at me. 'Nothing, I'm fine.' I said shaky. His head tilted a little. 'Do you think you're going to be okay?' I zoned out, looking at the room where all the springlock failures had occured. What would it feel like? I thought, as my mind went back to Henry. 'Yeah.' He nodded and walked off without saying anything. After a second, he came back. 'Uh, I think you both need to come.' Henry said. William looked nervously at Henry. He got up and held my hand. I tried to snatch it away from him. 'Wha-' 

'Just shut up.' William said. He knew what was coming. We all walked to the hallway, as we heard a few people talking. I couldn't hear what they were saying. 'Mr.afton' William stepped forward, looking directly into the eyes of the man. 'We are gonna question every single one of you.' The officer said. William let go of my arm. 'If you say anything..' William whispered. He maid a killing motion towards his throat. My heart was pounding. I sat down, facing my feet. 'It's going to be all fine.' Henry said, sitting next to me. 'Thank you.' 

'There's nothing to thank me for. I was just saying the truth.' 

I smiled. A tear slid down my eye. After a while, William came out. 'I'm here.' He said. Henry rushed towards him. 'Thank God!' Henry hugged him. 'I'm a suspect.' He said. Henry held thightly onto him. William looked at me for a few seconds. His cold gaze staring into mine. 'What do you want from me' I asked. 'Alot' he answered, walking back to his office. 'Ma'am, you're going to have to come with us.' The officer said. They held my arm as they guided me towards Henry's office.

 'Now. Please tell me. Do you know the person who made those kids disappear?' 

'I know nothing.' I could see that he wasn't convinced. 

'Do you know where the kids are?'

'No. I know nothing. No one has ever told me about those missing kids. I only knew about Henry's kid.' I said. The officer sighed. 'Ofcourse I can't do anything with this information.' 

'Let her go.' He said. The cops next to him opened the door for me. 'Thank you.' I walked out, rushing towards the other group of people. 'Are you a suspect?' They asked. I sat down next to them. I bursted out in tears. Not knowing why. 'I don't know' My voice was clearly shaky. They all hugged me. 'It's going to be fine.' Someone said. After a few people were questioned, I walked back to William. 'Hey' I said, while knocking on the door. 'Come in' he said. He was fiddling with a small mirror. 'Are you okay?' I asked. He looked at his blueprints. 'Come look at these' I walked towards his desk, and leaned on it. 'What is that?' I asked. William took out a big paper. It was filled with sketches and words. My finger traced the paper. William held my finger off of the paper, analyzing It's size. 'What are you doing?' He didn't answer. He slowly brought my hand to his mouth, gently kissing it. 'You have beautifull hands' he said. He got back to looking directly at the papers. Where did that come from? 'This is for Elisabeth's birthday.' His finger pointed to the big animatronic. She kind of looked like her. 'Wow' 

'It's cool, isn't it?' 

'It is' 

'Are you a suspect?' I asked. He nodded. His hand aimed towards mine. 'They are not gonna get me.' He said. His wide smile, was too terrifying to look at. Henry was still clueless. What would he think of this? I thought 'Look at me, darling.' I looked at him. 'I hate you so much' 

'I know.' He said. He looked on the clock. 'It's 12:30' 

'I have to go.' I said. William nodded. I rushed to the others. They were all a bit shocked. 'I'm a suspect' the quit guy said. 'Oh god. Why?' He looked at his fingers. 'I don't know.' My mind snapped back to my brother. He's still at William's 

'Earth to Y/n' he said, snapping his fingers in front of my face. 'Are you there?' He asked. 'Uh, yeah' 

'Good?' I could see William staring at me, while talking to Henry. 

William's pov

'William. Why are you looking at Y/n liks that?' 

'What's wrong with it?' 

'You've been staring at her for a while.' Henry leaned against the wall. Y/n was pretty. She made me feel something, and I don't like it. I hadn't felt it in a long time. My blood lust has lowered, I stopped killing for a while. I can't do it. Not with Y/n. 'William?' I snapped back to reality. 'What?' 

'Did you even hear anything of what I just said?' Somstimes I want to stab Henry just like I stabbed his daughter. 'No' Henry laughed. 'What's so funny.' 


Y/n's pov

'Your shift is over now.' William said. 'What, no it's not' William grabbed me 'Come with me' he said. I could feel the cut in my stomach hurt. I pulled up my shirt. The blood had leaked through it. 'Shit' i yelled. 'What's wrong?' He looked at my stomach. 'Oh.' He grabbed both of my legs, and walked to the car. Leaving the others unanswered. 'Where is she going?' I heard from the doorway. William put me down. I heard his phone ring. 'Mr.afton?' 

'What's going on?' William asked. I couldn't hear what the guy said 'What?!' 

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