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'William, what are you doing here?' William ignored my question.  'Why isn't he here?' William looked at my uniform. 'Well, He has to spend time with his family.' I am sure William was making this up. I groaned, 'You look good in that uniform.' I looked away embarrassed. William looked like he been in a fight. His dark brown hair was messy. and his clothes were unwashed. he smelled like cigarettes, and oil. His hair was very greasy. He looked like he was dead. I can't imagine him having a wife. 'I would get to work if I was you, though.' Once again I groaned and got my bag. 'See you soon.' He mumbled. I rushed out of the door. My hand followed the walls, as I let them guide my step, until I arrive at the fuse box. The wires were tangled into each other. I was humming a little tune. 'Hello, there.' I looked behind me as I saw the blond haired guy again. He was wearing the same uniform. He was short for his age. 'Hi.' I said nervously. He chuckled. 'What are you doing here?' he asked. 'Oh I'm here to fix the lights.' He nodded, he had a smug on his face. 'What's that?' His eyes directed, at the spot were my hair got stuck. 'Oh just an accident.' 

'You are clumsy.' I could see the tears in his eyes, while he laughed. 'Anyways, See ya around.' I rolled my eyes, as he disappeared into the dark room. I climbed the ladder that got put there. I got back to humming the tune. I took out the screwdriver and started removing the nails out of it's place. I got rid of the plastic above. Then got to work. After fixing two lights, it was time to eat. Fixing the lights, wasn't that long. At least I thought. I looked at my watch. 9:20? I don't remember it taking so long. I folded the ladder, and put it back to it's place. 'Hey there, Y/n' God, not again. William blocked the door. 'Come with me. I need to show you something.' He placed a hand on my shoulder. His cold hand, gave me a shiver down my spine. His smile was now normal. Not so sinister. He led me to the room labeled. ''Parts and services'' 

'Here.' He opened the door in front of me. I mumbled, as I take foot on the wooden floors. The smell of death, was really strong. I could feel the energy shift when I entered the room. A much more colder. darker feeling. 'Listen here.' I turned around as I see William having one of those suits in his hand. 'You can't ever touch these, if you don't have permission.' William said. He looked at the suit. His hand moved towards his tucked in blouse. His hand forcefully gripped it and pulled it up. I could see him stomach. I fully opened my eyes in surprise. perfectly curved scars over his chest. 'What happened?' He laughed. 'Spring lock failure.' I didn't know what to say. 'Anyways, let's go.' He let go of his blouse, and tucked it in again. 'Okay.' He walked out of the room. I followed him. I looked at the back of his shoes, while feeling the pain of my shoes. I groaned. These shoes. I could hear the laughter of little children. I walked over to the other workers to eat something. I sat down next to the girl from before. 'What's your name?' I whispered. 'Layla.' She said giggling. 'Okay.' I said smiling as I back up from her face. The people around the table all introduced their selves. The boy who was quiet, looked like a nice person. I zoned out while looking at him. When he looked at me. I realize I was staring at him. I look away embarrassed. When we all finished our meal. I walked back to William's office. He wasn't there. I saw something stick out of his drawer, what seemed to be a picture. I walked to it. and I couldn't believe what I saw. It was a picture of what seemed to be a dead child. 'Charlie?' Charlie was Henry's child. She had been torn from his hands. She was already missing. Why'd William have a picture of her dead body?! 'Being curious, huh?' I heard William's British voice behind me. Shit. I looked behind me as he was already, walking towards me. 'Sir, I won't tell anyone what I saw.' It didn't stop him from running. He cornered me, as I flinch to his motions. 'William stop!' He had the same sinister smile on his face. 'I don't think I will let you go.' 

'Good night, darling.'

(I hate writing so much.)

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