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'No, you're working!' He placed his hands on my hips. 'Oh come on' His hands started going further up under my shirt. His hands stopped at the cut. 'It's feeling a little better'

'It is' I sighed. I placed my head on his chest. 'You're warm' I said. he started wrapping his arms around my back. 'Don't I have to work?' I mumbled. 'No, you can stay' He said. I closed my eyes, while focusing on William's heartbeat. He ran his hands through my hair. 'Maybe I do love you' My legs wrapped around the back of the chair. 'I mean, you're a crazy murderer after all' He laughed. 'I'd never hurt you' He said. 

'You don't have to lie' 

'Mr.afton?' We looked up as the door opened. The person cleared their throat. 'Oh, sorry sir' I stood up. 'Can I talk to you?' William pointed at the chair in front of the desk. 'I'll go' I walked out of the door to see Conner staring at me. 'What's going on between you and William, I thought we talked about this.'

'Uh, well I don't think he's a murderer.' He rolled his eyes. 'I'm sure of it!' 

'I don't think I can trust you'

'No but, he's really kind and caring, You'd never understand'

'It's like you have Stockholm syndrome' He closed his eyes and started rubbing them. 'What is that?' 

'Just get a book at a library or something' I sighed. Might as well try it. 'Henry, can I leave the shift for a moment?' Henry laughed. 'You didn't have a shift today' 

'What?!' William had been lying to me. 'ugh' I stormed out of the door. I could see a library in the distance. 'Wow, that was fast' I rushed towards it in the hot sun. 'Hello, can help you?' 

'Do you have any books about Stockhelm?' The library clerk looked ate me. 'Do you mean Stockholm syndrome' 

'Uhh yeah' I stuttered 'Yeah it's right there' I rushed towards the shelf. There were some books, but I couldn't find the one. 'Can I help you?' someone behind me said. 'Yeah, I'm looking for a book about Stockholm syndrome' 

'It's right here' He held the book in one hand. 'Thank you sir' He helped me up. 'Can I get your number?' He mumbled. 'I have a boyfriend' I lied.

'Oh, sorry to bother you miss' He put his hood on his head and walked away. He was kind of creepy. I looked at the library clerk. He was half asleep. Quietly I walked away with the book under my jacket. I ran out of the door. I rushed back to Freddy's. 'Where have you been?' William said. 'library' He walked up to me. 'How'd you get the money?' 

'I stole it' He laughed and dragged me to his office. 'Who was that?' 

'Someone wanted to buy the business' I looked out of the window to see my reflection. 'And?' He grabbed my waist from my back. 'He didn't make it' That probably meant he had killed someone. 'You killed.. him?' 

'Of course, but you don't have to worry about it..' 

'Why didn't you tell me that I didn't have a shift?' He smirked. 'I just wanted to see you' he said. 'I could've just stayed at your house' I turned around. 'What was that book about?' He asked. He moved one hand to the book, and opened it. 'Stockholm syndrome? you don't even love me' I snatched the book out of his hands. 'Wha-'

'It's about being in love with your kidnapper' I shook my head. 'Conner said that I had Stockholm syndrome' William looked at me. 'Maybe we should just kill him' He fished in his pocket, revealing a small knife. 'I'll be right back' 

'Wait!' He was already gone when I reached out for him. I sat down on the floor. 'Fuck' I looked through the little glass window on the door. William was talking to Conner. Conner followed William in the parts and services room. Quickly I rushed towards the door. 'Let me in' I said. I could hear the door creak open. 'I'm so sorry' I said. William was standing next to me. The knife crossed Conner's skin, leaving an open cut. William had already taped his mouth so he couldn't scream. William took a bat and started beating Conner's face until it was unrecognizable. I could almost see his skull. I broke down on the floor. 'I just needed to get rid of him' His eyeballs were squeezed out. 'I have to throw up' I ran towards the restroom, and threw up. Tears were pouring down my face. I couldn't get that image out of my head. I walked into a toilet stall and cried.

 'Are you okay?' I heard in front of me. 'Yeah I'm fine' I opened the stall. There was still blood stains on my blouse. 'Didn't expect you to cry'

To be on your side. |William afton x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now