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'Do you want anything to drink?' The women shouted. 'Yeah, maybe some water.' She kindly nodded. The thought of William had been stuck in my head. Clara returned and handed the cup of water to me. 'Here you go.' Clara looked younger than William. Why would a women so beautiful, marry someone who looks like a dead corpse?' I though. I heard a loud bang. Right after I heard a yell. I couldn't understand what it was about. But enough to know someone was mad. I looked up to the kitchen, and saw Clara's angry face. I knew William and Clara weren't doing so good together. 'I'm leaving!' I heard Clara say. William tried grabbing her hand but she shook it off. Her bags were already at the door. Was she planning on leaving? 

William walked back to the living room. When I looked at his hands, his ring was gone. He sat down on the chair, letting out a long sigh. 'Can I go home?' I asked carefully. 'No, darling. you're staying here.' I glared at him. 'Where's your ring?' 

'I threw it away. We're divorcing.' 

'Do I need to be scared of you?' He sat next to me and moved his hand to my cheek. 'Yeah, darling.' His cold hand touched my cheek. 'You know you have beautiful eyes.' His mouth formed a wide smile. I was already shaking, when he reached out to my hands. 'Can I go on a walk?' He nodded. I quickly pulled away from his grip. I still had my shoes on. I opened the door, and slammed it behind me. Before I knew it I was standing in a phone booth. I was one press away, from calling 911. But my head just knew better. I can't live with William. But I can't do this either. I walked out of the phone booth. After a while of thinking, I went back. 'I'm back.' William looked at me. 'Hello.' His eyes were on the edge of closing. 'You can sleep in the guestroom tonight.' 

'Okay.' I walked upstairs to find a door open. I walked in and laid down on the bed. I looked up at the ceiling. 'What is going on?' I slowly closed my eyes. 'I'll be in my garage.' William said. He left the room, and heard his footstep fade away. I was tired. Too tired to sleep, or stay awake. My fingers were tense. I crumbled into a comfortable position, Trying to sleep. I closed my eyes. Laying here felt like a dream. but at the same time. Like it was unreal. I can't sleep like this. I thought. I felt my body relax as I fell into a deep sleep. 

'What do you want to be when you're older?' We were looking at the beautiful view. I held onto him, as I let my feet dangle to the ground. 'The sunset is beautiful isn't it?' I looked at him. He held on to my wrist. 'Don't go.' I lean over the edge of the bridge. 

I woke up. My body was covered in sweat. The dream I had just woken up to, felt real. He felt real. It felt like an eternity. I got out of the bed. I heard some noises down stairs. I could run now. I slowly walked down the stairs. I had my shoes in my hand, to deafen my footsteps. My hand reached out to the door knob. 'Where do you think you're going.' William placed his hands on my waist and pulled me up. He pinned me against the wall. 'Were you planning on leaving.' He whispered into my ear. He pressed his chest against mine. 'you're not leaving tonight.' He locked the door. His cold hands pushed me onto the couch. 'Stay here.' He walked to the kitchen. He came back with a glass of water in his hand. 'Drink it.' He said. I grabbed it out of his hand, and drank it. 'Why did I need to drink it?' he looked at my hands. 'To calm you down.' 

'What why?' He fished in his pocket for something, and held out a knife. He came closer, as I kicked my feet. 'Stop!' He came closer and closer. When he was close enough. The blade crossed my skin. I could feel a sharp cut in my waist. 'What the fuck!' He covered my mouth when I was done speaking. I lifted my shirt, to see everything with blood. 'William please.' Were the last things I could say. 'Don't worry darling it will be alright.' 

To be on your side. |William afton x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now